All you need to start Intranet application portal in just a few minutes.
Rails 7 compatible.
Ruby: Version >= 2.7
Ruby on Rails: Version >= 7
MongoDB: Version >= 4.0 installed locally (if not installed locally see instructions below)
You can read this short instructions how to install required tools.
_rails new your_app_dir --skip-active-record --skip-action-cable --skip-hotwire --skip-webpack-install -m -
Note: Remove underscore character at the beggining of the command. The command will create new Ruby on Rails project in your_app_name directory, update necessary configuration files and prepare minimum application templates to start your own portal. Command may take few minutes to run. Most of the time is spent on installing gems required to run application.
Change directory to your_app_name.
cd your_app_name
Note: If your MongoDB is not installed localy, you must first update config/mongoid.yml file and set host name (perhaps also username and password) under development: section. Remote MongoDB setup requires an extra step, but default local installation doesn't need any administration at all. No login credentials is required and MongoDB will create new databases and collections automatically when first used. Since default installation allows connections only from localhost security is not in danger.
Start Ruby on Rails server locally
rails server
Open Internet browser and point to "http://localhost:3000" address. You should be welcomed with page doesn't exist error. Which is OK since no data has yet been declared in portal database.
Change browser address to "http://localhost:3000/init". Enter portal superuser name and password and click on PROCESS, to seed initial database data.
If everything went OK, change browser address to "http://localhost:3000", click right top on LOGIN link, login with credentials defined in init step and be welcome in your portal application.
Press Ctrl+C to stop your Rails application server and then enter:
rails db:drop
cd ..
rm -rf your_app_name