A Python wrapper for the bol.com API forked from https://github.com/pennersr/python-bol-api This is currently under development but stable to be used. We are adding more and more features as the api has changed a lot from the time this version was created in original project
A Python wrapper for the bol.com API. Currently rather incomplete, as it offers only those methods required for my own projects so far.
Instantiate the API:
>>> from bol.openapi.api import OpenAPI >>> api = OpenAPI('api_key')
Invoke a method:
>>> data = api.catalog.products((['1004004011187773', '1004004011231766'])
JSON data is returned "as is":
>>> data['products'][0]['ean'] u'0093155141650'
Supports the BOL Api v10, documented here: https://api.bol.com/retailer/public/Retailer-API/selling-on-bolcom-processflow.html
Instantiate the API:
>>> from bol.retailer.api import RetailerAPI >>> api = RetailerAPI()
>>> api.login('client_id', 'client_secret')
Invoke a method:
>>> orders = api.orders.list() >>> order = api.orders.get(orders[0].orderId))
Fields are derived 1:1 from the bol.com API, including lower-CamelCase conventions:
>>> order.customerDetails.shipmentDetails.streetName 'Billingstraat'
Fields are properly typed:
>>> repr(order.orderPlacedDateTime) datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 12, 16, 6, 17, tzinfo=tzoffset(None, 3600)) >>> repr(order.orderItems[0].offerPrice) Decimal('106.52')
Access the underlying raw (unparsed) data at any time:
>>> order.raw_data >>> order.raw_content
First, make sure that you have tox
installed on your system:
pip install tox
Then, just run the tox: