QTrip is a dynamic travel website aimed at travellers looking for a multitude of adventures in different cities.
During the course of this micro-experience, I have created:
- Created web pages using HTML 5 and CSS and made them dynamic using JavaScript
- Improved UX with multi-select filters, image carousels
- Implemented conditional rendering of page elements. Fetch data using REST APIs and dynamically render landing page
- Utilized localStorage to persist user preferences at client-side
- Used JQuery to facilitate the reservation form submission
- Deployed the website using Netlify and Heroku
Live Site link => https://qtrip-tw.netlify.app
Backend link => https://qtrip-dynamic-ao2z.onrender.com
Some api endpoints =>
- https://qtrip-dynamic-ao2z.onrender.com/cities
- https://qtrip-dynamic-ao2z.onrender.com/adventures
- https://qtrip-dynamic-ao2z.onrender.com/adventures/?city=${city}
- bengaluru
- goa
- kolkata
- singapore
- malaysia
- bangkok
- new-york
- paris
- https://qtrip-dynamic-ao2z.onrender.com/reservations
Change the ${city} to city names given below to fetch the api requests