This is an Intel 8080 emulator built using Java to learm about CPUs and Architecture.
Tests Passing:
- TST8080
- 8080PRE
I noticed that some people have taken interest in this project and have forked the repo. I really love and appretiate the interest in Emulation and this project and therefore would like to give some suggestions and recommendations.
I worked on this project around 2 years ago for my own learning and understanding and so I'd like to admit that I haven't really followed the best approaches while building this emulator. I even ran into weird bugs at times (Emulator would pass CPU tests but wouldnt run space-invaders proeprly) which I didnt fix until a year later and I believe this project might have some more of those weird bugs.
Java imo isnt really a good language to build Emulators to start with, you have to hande overflow and underflow on your own which other languages would have handled on their own. There is also a lack of unsigned integers except char (uint32, uint16 etc) which can and will cause weird bugs in the code.
I highly recommend checking out the Intel 8080 emulator I build using rust. Here I've split each operation into a separate function and have tried to reuse code as much as possible. This made the code a lot more readable and maintainable at the cost of tiny complexity (some functions might be weirdly overloaded which might not be intuitive).
In the Rust 8080 emulator I have learnt from the mistakes I made in this project and therefore Its built better and from scratch.
Additionaly I also recommend checking out the following resources -