Run Word macros in a node.js server
- /macro
- method: POST
- form parameters:
- macro: the name of the macro to run. Only alphanumerical characters are permitted
- document: the Word document
- 400 if the parameters are not provided-
- the Word document after the macro was executed on it
- node.js modules: formidable
- Windows cscript engine
- Microsoft Word must be installed on the same machine
- copy the js and vbs file in a location visible to node.js
- install formidable if required: npm install formidable
Run the service:
- command: node macroService.js "path_to_temp_folder"
Access the service programatically:
- client/runRemoteMacro.bat
Test artifacts:
- example/testMacroService.html
- example/testMacro.doc with the insertDate date