Andrummer is a android app for viewing and rolling stats from a Chummer 5 print file.
Download the project from github Install Android SDK Tools Install npm Install cordova (npm install -g cordova once you have npm)
A working knowledge of JS, an IDE, and love for ShadowRun.
Since I've pieced this together over months, these steps won't be great so please update when you see missing steps
Once you have npm and cordova installed. You'll need to install each of the plugins in the config.xml like so: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-dialogs
Do this for all the plugins
Browser: cordova run browser android: cordova run android
The android run will try to push it to your phone if you have one hooked up and set to debug. Otherwise it'll try to use the one you have set up in AVD Manager
- Cordova - The HTML -> Android converter
If you want to contribute, download it, make your updates and put in a pull request.
Ain't figured this one out yet
- odd - Initial work
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- This project is based on code from