This repo is an attempt to quantify how thrift types can be changed.
Specifically what is interesting to know is whether a change to a type will cause runtime exceptions or whether thrift/scrooge will attempt to do some sort of corrective action.
This is useful when designing API's and answering questions like
- Should this type be a union or just a struct with optional fields?
- Do I want to use an enum or should we stick with a string and parse the enum later?
- Positions
- input
- output
- type of type
- struct
- enum
- union
- type of change
- add "normal"
- add required
- add optional
- change type
- required -> "normal"
- required -> optional
- "normal" -> required
- "normal" -> optional
- optional -> required
- optional -> "normal"
- add element to co-products
- remove element from co-product
- rename element in co-products
- change type in element in coproduct
- TypeDef to "regular"
- "regular" to TypeDef
- Input
- You cant change types, ever. It will throw.
- You cant violate the required keyword (neither by removing the value nor making it optional and sending none). It will throw.
- With Enums you send the number, not the label. Missing label -> Unknown Value
- With unions a mutated type will throw. Missing element -> Unknown value. Names do not have semantic meaning.
- When a "normal" value is missing it gets the default value for its type, if such a value exists (see
- Output
- You cant change types, ever. It will throw.
- You cant violate the required keyword (neither by removing the value nor making it optional and sending none). It will throw.
- With Enums you send the number, not the label. Missing label -> Unknown Value
- With unions a mutated type (OR NAME) will throw. Missing element -> Unknown value
- When a "normal" value is missing it gets the default value for its type, if such a value exists (see
Typedefs doesn't seem to carry any meaning :()