Fast and easy way to transform data into models for validation and type safety.
Attributes of a model have a name and type. Any value passed in goes through a parser method. If the value can not be parsed successfully the error is added to parsing_errors.
Associations are nested schema models. Each association can have its own set of attributes.
Dynamic associations are useful when creating custom logic around schema validation.
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Example that show cases multiple features
class CompanySchema
# includes model, associations, parsers and active model validations
include Schema::All
# add common attributes
# attributes support additional names through the alias(es) option
attribute :name, :string, alias: 'CompanyName'
attribute :industry_type, :string, aliases: %w[IndustryType industry]
# will take a string split on the separator and use the parse_<data_type> method on every element
# basically take a list of comma separated numbers and create an array of integers
# code snippet: str.split(',').map { |v| parse_integer(field_name, parsing_errors, v) }
attribute :number_list, :array, separator: ',', data_type: :integer
# creates a nested dynamic schema based on the industry_type which is part of the main company data
industry_schema = has_one(:industry, external_type_field: :industry_type) do
attribute :name, :string
validates :name, presence: true
add_type('tech') do
attribute :custom_description, :string
add_type('qsr') do
attribute :number_of_locations, :integer
# custom validation
validates :number_of_locations, presence: true
# create multiple dynamic location schemas based on the type field in the location data
has_many(:locations, type_field: :type) do
attribute :type, :string
attribute :address, :string
attribute :city, :string
attribute :state, :string
attribute :zip, :string
add_type('headquarters') do
attribute :main_floor, :integer
validates :city, presence: true
validates :main_floor, presence: true
add_type('store_front') do
attribute :main_entrance, :string
validates :address, presence: true
validates :main_entrance, presence: true
# create multiple dynamic employee schemas based on the type field in the employee data
has_many(:employees, type_field: :type) do
attribute :type, :integer
attribute :name, :string
attribute :start_date, :date
add_type(1) do # worker
attribute :manager_name, :string
add_type(2) do # manager
attribute :rank, :float
# if no or an invalid type is specified, create a default employee schema object
# useful for communicating errors in an API
# dynamic_type_names returns all the types used, except for :default
validates :type, inclusion: { in: dynamic_type_names }
has_many(:admins, from: :hash, hash_key_field: :username) do
attribute :username, :string
attribute :email, :string
attribute :name, :string
validates :username, presence: true
validates :email, presence: true
validates :name, presence: true
validates :industry_type, inclusion: { in: industry_schema.dynamic_type_names }
# use the schema validator
validates :industry, presence: true, schema: true
validates :locations, presence: true, schema: true
validates :employees, presence: true, schema: true
validates :admins, presence: true, schema: true
"CompanyName": "Good Burger",
"IndustryType": "qsr",
"industry": {
"name": "Food & Beverage",
"number_of_locations": 2
"locations": [
"type": "headquarters",
"city": "Boston",
"main_floor": 5
"type": "store_front",
"address": "1st Ave",
"zip": "02211",
"main_entrance": "side door"
"employees": [
"type": 2,
"name": "Queen Bee",
"start_date": "2016-01-09",
"rank": "0.9"
"type": 1,
"name": "Worker Bee",
"start_date": "2018-05-10",
"manager_name": "Queen Bee"
"admins": {
"captain": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Captain Kurk"
"joe": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Joe Smith"