Dynamic Active Model - Automatic Database Discovery, Model Creation, and Relationship Mapping for Rails
Dynamic Active Model automatically reads a database, and maps the database classes to Active Record models. This includes defining relationships based on foreign keys. Currently, has_many
and belongs_to
relationships are supported. By default, Dynamic Active Model is best used for creating missing Active Record models, or exploring a database without having to create the models.
This allows you to create Active Record models in memory.
# Define your database model scope. This is neccesary to prevent conflicts.
module DB; end
# Intiialize models and relationships. This can be broken apart into separate calls if you'd like.
# Create the actual class models
# db = DynamicActiveModel::Database.new(DB, username: 'root', adapter: 'postgresql', database: 'rails_development', password: 'password')
# db.create_models!
# Create the relationships
# relations = DynamicActiveModel::Associations.new(db)
# relations.build!
# Instead, this combines both those methods into one
DynamicActiveModel::Explorer.explore(DB, username: 'root', adapter: 'postgresql', database: 'rails_development', password: 'password')
# find some model
movie = DB::Movies.first
# some attribute
# some relationships
You can blacklist tables to create models for, to ignore certain specific tables
# initialize the database
db = DynamicActiveModel::Database.new(DB, username: 'root', adapter: 'postgresql', database: 'rails_development', password: 'password')
# skip a single table
db.skip_table 'actors'
# skip tables by regex
db.skip_table /^temp/
# skip multiple tables
db.skip_tables ['2018-01-01_temp', /^daily/]
If you'd like to whitelist instead, that's also available.
# initialize the database
db = DynamicActiveModel::Database.new(DB, username: 'root', adapter: 'postgresql', database: 'rails_development', password: 'password')
# include a single table
db.include_table 'actors'
# include tables by regex
db.include_table /^special/
# include multiple tables
db.include_tables ['movies', 'salaries']
If you'd like to actually create the files for models, you can do so through
dynamic-db-explorer --username root --adapter postgresql --host localhost --database rails_development --password password --create-class-files /path/to/folder/for/model/files
Add additional functionality to any model by using the update_model method.
# Specify the model by the table name
db.update_model(:movies) do
attr_accessor :imdb_id
def first_actor
Additional functionality can be added through files as well.
# file: lib/db/movies.ext.rb
attr_accessor :imdb_id
def first_actor
Then call update_model with
db.update_model(:movies, 'lib/db/movies.ext.rb')
Mass apply updates to multiple models with update_all_models. The base_dir is the path to model extension files. The files are expected to use the .ext.rb extension.