I've had gripes/nitpicks with every engine I've used. So I'm making my own that I'll hopefully use in the future.
Contributions are welcome.
- Uses the new SDL3 Framework.
- Haxe is supported via HashLink. However, C++ can be used for logic as well.
- The engine isn't currently in a usable state.
- This is my excuse to learn both languages.
- There might be a lot of amateur/beginner mistakes. Both in Haxe and C++.
- No documentation whatsoever.
Add this repository as a submodule and use CMake. Make sure to update your submodules recursively.
add_subdirectory(vendor/MANIFOLDEngine EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
add_executable(MyAwesomeGame src/game.cpp)
ME_configure(MyAwesomeGame) # This function adds dependencies and custom commands that are required.