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Versioned Clients

Chris Martinez edited this page Jan 9, 2023 · 1 revision

The Asp.Versioning.Http.Client package brings client-side extensions that make your HttpClient instances API version-aware.

API Version Writer

The reciprocal to IApiVersionReader is IApiVersionWriter. As the name implies, the IApiVersionWriter is responsible for writing the configured API version into outgoing requests. The default configured writer is the QueryStringApiVersionWriter using the query parameter name api-version.

Adding API versions to your HttpClient instances can easily be configured using the IHttpClientFactory dependency injection extensions.

var services = new ServiceCollection();

          client => client.BaseAddress = new Uri( "") )
        .AddApiVersion( 1.0 );

var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var factory = provider.GetRequiredService<IHttpClientFactory>();
var client = factory.CreateClient( "MyApi" );

// GET
var response = await client.GetAsync( "data" );

You can add or replace the default IApiVersionWriter with:

var services = new ServiceCollection();

services.AddSingleton<IApiVersionWriter>( new UrlSegmentApiVersionWriter( "{ver}" ) );
          client => client.BaseAddress = new Uri( "{ver}") )
        .AddApiVersion( 1 );

var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var factory = provider.GetRequiredService<IHttpClientFactory>();
var client = factory.CreateClient( "MyApi" );

// GET
var response = await client.GetAsync( "data" );

The following implementations are provided out-of-the-box:

  • QueryStringApiVersionWriter
  • HeaderApiVersionWriter
  • MediaTypeApiVersionWriter
  • UrlSegmentApiVersionWriter

Specifying multiple API versions is typically unnecessary; however, if this is a capability you need or want, multiple writers can be composed together:

var writer = ApiVersionWriter.Combine(
  new QueryApiVersionWriter( "api-version" ),
  new HeaderApiVersionWriter( "x-ms-api-version" ) );

Your application might have multiple clients that communicate to services which use different API versioning methods. To accommodate these differences, you can specify a specific writer per client.

var services = new ServiceCollection();

          client => client.BaseAddress = new Uri( "") )
        .AddApiVersion( 1.0, new QueryApiVersionWriter() );

          client => client.BaseAddress = new Uri( "{ver}/") )
        .AddApiVersion( 2, new UrlSegmentApiVersionWriter( "{ver}" ) );

If you're not using dependency injection or the IHttpClientFactory, you can still configure writers by explicitly configuring the ApiVersionHandler:

using var client = new HttpClient(
    new ApiVersionHandler(
        new QueryApiVersionWriter(), 
        new ApiVersion( 1, 0 ) )
        InnerHandler = new HttpClientHandler(),
    } );

API Notifications

API clients always have a few common questions:

  • "How do I know when an API version is deprecated?"
  • "How do I know when an API version will be sunset?"
  • "How do I know when a new API version is available?"

These questions can now be answered via:

public interface IApiNotification
    Task OnApiDeprecatedAsync( ApiNotificationContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken );
    Task OnNewApiAvailableAsync( ApiNotificationContext context, CancellationToken cancellationToken );

Where the notification information provided is:

public class ApiNotificationContext
    public HttpResponseMessage Response { get; }
    public ApiVersion ApiVersion { get; }
    public SunsetPolicy SunsetPolicy { get; }

If the API reports its versions, then the ApiVersionHandler will detect when these events occur and invoke the appropriate notification. The ApiVersionHandler will look for the api-supported-versions and api-deprecated-versions HTTP headers by default, but alternate headers may be configured. If a sunset policy is specified by the API, then the sunset date will be read from the Sunset HTTP header as well as any Link HTTP headers where the relation type is rel="sunset".

No notifications or actions occur by default. The most logical action to perform when a notification occurs is to log it. The ApiVersionHandlerLogger<T> implements an IApiNotification that is paired with an ILogger<T> that will:

  1. Log a warning message when an API reports that the version requested is deprecated.
  2. Log an informational message when an API reports that a newer version than the one requested is available.

Logged messages can be connected to alerts to notify developers when these events occur in an automated fashion.

If you configuration uses dependency injection and ILogger<ApiVersionHandler> is a resolvable service, ApiVersionHandlerLogger<ApiVersionHandler> will be used as the default IApiNotification implementation unless configured otherwise.

API Information

Using API information provided in responses is useful, but not always provided for every request. Furthermore, if you're onboarding to an API, how do you know which API versions are available or deprecated? How do you know the policies around these APIs? Detailed information might be provided by OpenAPI, but how do you know where the OpenAPI documents are?

The most logical way for an API to expose this information is to provide an OPTIONS method, which may be version-specific or version-neutral, that returns all of the available API information. This information is useful for automation and client tooling.

The GetApiInformationAsync extension method for the HttpClient provides a prescribed implementation to make the appropriate OPTIONS request and parse its response into:

using var client = new HttpClient()
    BaseAddress = new Uri( "" ),
var info = await client.GeApiInformationAsync( "/?api-version=1.0" );

Request API information

OPTIONS /?api-version=1.0 HTTP/2

HTTP request sent

HTTP/2 200 OK
Api-Supported-Versions: 2.0
Api-Deprecated-Versions: 1.0
Sunset: Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 GMT
Link: <policy?api-version=1.0>; rel="sunset"; type="text/html"
Link: <swagger/v1/swagger.json>; rel="openapi"; type="application/json"; api-version="1.0"

HTTP response received

public class ApiInformation
    public IReadOnlyList<ApiVersion> SupportedApiVersions { get; }
    public IReadOnlyList<ApiVersion> DeprecatedApiVersions { get; }
    public SunsetPolicy SunsetPolicy { get; }
    public IReadOnlyDictionary<ApiVersion, Uri> OpenApiDocumentUrls { get; }

Parsed API information

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