Xamarin.Android Preview
Pre-releaseAugust 25, 2020 — Xamarin.Android was published as part of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 Preview 2 and Visual Studio 2019 for Mac version 8.8 Preview 2.
Corresponding Visual Studio 2019 Preview release notes
What's new
- Build and deployment performance
- Deprecation of Android Wear references in app projects
- Issues fixed and other small changes
- Installing
- Open source
Build and deployment performance in Xamarin.Android
GitHub PR 4975: Cache the results of the FilterAssemblies
MSBuild task in memory so they can be reused across different MSBuild targets during the build. This decreased incremental build times for the Xamarin.Forms source build from about 170 milliseconds to about 100 milliseconds on a test system. The savings will be bigger on larger solutions.
Deprecation of Android Wear references in app projects
Referencing an Android Wear application project from an Android phone application project is now deprecated and will produce a build warning similar to:
warning XA4312: Referencing the Android Wear application project 'com.contoso.wearapp' from an Android application project is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of Xamarin.Android. Remove the Android Wear application project reference from the Android application project and distribute the Wear application as a standalone application instead.
To resolve this warning, remove the reference to Android Wear project from the phone application project and distribute the Android Wear project as a standalone Wear application instead.
Issues fixed and other small changes in Xamarin.Android
Application and library build and deployment
- Developer Community 1086457: Changes to libraries referenced by the .NET Standard library in a standard Xamarin.Forms solution were not reflected in the running app without a clean rebuild. More generally, this issue affected any library referenced indirectly via a .NET Standard library that had the
MSBuild property set totrue
. - Developer Community 1120933: XABLD7019: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ... .lz4 is denied prevented projects from buidling successfully in the Release configuration if the managed linker was disabled in that configuration.
- GitHub 4565: Errors or warnings similar to Missing class: com.android.tools.lint.detector.api.Detector could appear unexpectedly in the build output of apps that referenced custom Xamarin.Android bindings libraries for .aar files.
- GitHub PR 4984: Avoid logging the full contents of item lists in diagnostic MSBuild logs in cases where MSBuild conditions only need to check if the item lists are empty or non-empty.
Application behavior on device and emulator
- GitHub 4893: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null ... at Java.Interop.TypeManager.RegisterType (System.String java_class, System.Type t) could prevent launching apps on Android 9.0 Pie (API level 28) x86 emulators.
Bindings projects
- GitHub 4956: warning MSB6002: The command-line for the "BindingsGenerator" task is too long could prevent building bindings library projects, most commonly when they referenced Xamarin.AndroidX NuGet packages.
Application publishing
- GitHub 4949: The
test from the Android Vendor Test Suite would not pass for Xamarin.Android apps installed into system ROMs by device vendors.
To get the new version in Visual Studio, update Visual Studio:
- Visual Studio 2019 version 16.8 Preview 2 — Visual Studio Installer
- Visual Studio 2019 for Mac 8.8 Preview 2 — Visual Studio for Mac Installer with the Preview updater channel
For other scenarios, the latest commercial .vsix and .pkg installer packages can be found in the project README.
Open source
Xamarin.Android 11.1 is based on the open-source Xamarin.Android repositories:
- The Mono runtime and class library artifacts for this version come from the android-release-Darwin-*.7z archive generated by the Mono open-source build: archive-mono/job/2020-02 build #88.
- Core JNI interaction logic is in the Java.Interop repo.
- Android bindings and MSBuild tooling are in the xamarin-android repo.
- Chat is in the #android channel on the DotNetEvolution Discord server.