Support for cryptographic signature services for different chains (EVM, TRON, DOGE, CKB).
- Ubuntu 18.04 or newer (2C4G)
- MYSQL >= 8.0
- GO version >= 1.17.10
# pull the code
git clone
# modify the configuration file (Database Configuration)
cd remote-sign-svr
cp config/config.example.yaml config/config.yaml
vim config/config.yaml
# compile and run the service
make svr
./remote_sign_svr --config=config/config.yaml
# compile and run the management client
make cli
# install supervisor first
sudo apt install supervisor
# pull the code
git clone
# modify the configuration file (Database Configuration)
cd remote-sign-svr
cp config/config.example.yaml config/config.yaml
vim config/config.yaml
mkdir logs
# compile and run the service
make svr
# updating the configuration of supervisor
vim /etc/supervisor/conf.d/remote_sign_svr.conf
supervisorctl update
supervisorctl status
# compile and run the management client
make cli
# Project Catalog
directory = /mnt/server/remote-sign-svr
command = /mnt/server/remote-sign-svr/remote_sign_svr --config=/mnt/server/remote-sign-svr/config/config.yaml
autostart=true ; start at supervisord start (default: true)
user=root ; setuid to this UNIX account to run the program
redirect_stderr=true ; redirect proc stderr to stdout (default false)
stdout_logfile=/mnt/server/remote-sign-svr/logs/out.log ; stdout log path, NONE for none; default AUTO
stdout_logfile_maxbytes=100MB ; max # logfile bytes b4 rotation (default 50MB)
stdout_logfile_backups=20 ; # of stdout logfile backups (default 10)
stdout_capture_maxbytes=100MB ; number of bytes in 'capturemode' (default 0)
stdout_events_enabled=false ; emit events on stdout writes (default false)
stderr_logfile=/mnt/server/remote-sign-svr/logs/err.log ; stderr log path, NONE for none; default AUTO
stderr_logfile_maxbytes=100MB ; max # logfile bytes b4 rotation (default 50MB)
stderr_logfile_backups=20 ; # of stderr logfile backups (default 10)
stderr_capture_maxbytes=100MB ; number of bytes in 'capturemode' (default 0)
stderr_events_enabled=false ; emit events on stderr writes (default false)