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This plugin has a simple function, that is, allow rendering lilypond in logseq! 🎵

Setting up

Ensure you have an instance of lilypond-web running. (Need hosting?) Then after installing the plugin, go to the plugin settings and edit these values.

  "baseURL": "http://localhost:6969", // REQUIRED
  "username": "", //optional
  "password": "" //optional

How to use:

The plugin knows three variants:

  • Macro-compatible
  • Simple
  • Full

In the case of macro-compatible and simple your lilypond code will be wrapped with the following:

\\include "" 
  \score { 


This makes use of the renderer macro syntax, example below:

{{renderer lilypond, \relative c'[<c e g> <c; e g> ] \addlyrics[aa oo]}}

Please note that it isn't possible to use commas (,) or curly braces ({}) due to macros not supporting them. The plugin uses (;) and ({}) instead for these ends and will be autoconverted for the eventual lilypond code.

Simple and Full

Use command /Lilypond to generate a boilerplate:

{{renderer lilypond-codeblock}}
<- your lilypond goes here

In the case of full mode, replace the top line with {{renderer lilypond-codeblock, full}}. It works very similarly but does not have the boilerplate code wrapping your score and you will have to do everything manually. This could lead to some errors if not careful.