An unofficial implementation of MemoPainter described in the paper using PyTorch.
Published in CVPR 2019, written by S. Yoo, H. Bahng, S. Chung, J. Lee, J. Chang and J. Choo
- Python 3.6.5
- PyTorch 1.1.0
- Pillow 5.1.0
- numpy 1.14.5
- scikit-image 0.15.0
- scikit-learn 0.19.0
- colorthief 0.2.1
- Oxford102
- Pokemon (For one-shot colorization)
- Superhero (For few-shot colorization) I crawled images from the internet.
FlowerColorizationModel (Color_feature : RGB colors extracted by ColorThief)
PokemonColorizationModel (Color_feature : Color distribution)
All recommeded values for configurations are based on paper and supplementary material.
: Should be 'RGB' or 'dist'. What you want to use as a color information for color feature. -
: If you use RGB color information, the option should be 30. If you use color distribution as a color information, the option should be 313. -
: The memory size. It is remmended to set the memory size to 1.2 times the size of training set. -
: The parameter for computing the kNN with respect to cosine similarity. It is recommended to set--top_k
to 32, if you use RGB color_info. If you use color distribution as color feature, to setting--top_k
to 256 is recommended.
If you refer to in my repository, you can know how to train and test.
Experimental results on Oxford102 dataset.
I randomly split the oxford102 dataset into a training set(80%) and a test set(20%)
You can download full experimental results on my oxford102 test set. Link
Input | Result | Ground Truth |
Experimental results on Pokemon data. Test images are crawled from the internet
Input | Result | Ground Truth |
Experimental results on Superhero data. Train images and test images are crawled from the internet.
Input | Result | Ground Truth |
If you have any questions or comments on my codes, please email to me. [email protected]
- The most parts of are borrowed from [1]
- The parts for quantizing ab values into 313 color bins are borrowed from [2]