I wanted a command line tool like jq
for TOML. Couldn't find one, so I'm making one.
Right now you can only do one thing: Get a value from a toml file.
Given the Cargo.toml
in this repo:
➜ tomlq git:(master) ✗ tomlq dependencies.toml -f Cargo.toml
➜ tomlq git:(master) ✗ echo $?
➜ tomlq git:(master) ✗ tomlq dependencies.toml.foo -f Cargo.toml
dependencies.toml.foo not found!
➜ tomlq git:(master) ✗ echo $?
➜ tomlq git:(master) ✗
Contributions are welcome! I just needed this one feature, so I haven't spent any additional time on this. If you have an idea, please feel free to open an issue, if you've implemented some additional features, please feel free to open a PR!
Licensed under the MIT License