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Development env setup

  • Get the OAuth secrets from passveil: veil show

  • Insert the secrets into config/dev.secret.exs in the following format:

import Config

config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Google.OAuth,
  client_id: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  client_secret: "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

If you don't run a global postgresql on default port, but would rather have it local, run:

make dev
mix test.all && echo ok || echo ko

To run whole test suite:

mix test.all
  • If you want to drop the database: make danger_zone_i_am_sure_i_want_to_clean_dev_state

  • To run application:

make iex
  • To run just the PGSQL server after a reboot (when the PGSQL server isn't running):
make start

If you run a global PGSQL on a default port

You shouldn't

But still

Everything will work out of the box, just don't forget to initialize the event_store (the configuration for database is in config files) for development, run:

mix event_store.create
mix event_store.init

And also you won't get to use make commands, you'll have to compile yarn stuff yourself:

cd assets && yarn install && yarn build && cd ..

Afterwards, you'll be able to just iex -S mix to get the freshest build.

In principle, just running this chain of yarn commands in a separate terminal or running make priv/static should hot-load new compiled JS files but I normally recompile everything.