I need to Implement the following Classes that implements Frame:
- Colored image that contain 3 dimensions [3][height][weight].
- the first dimension contain the rgb color = {red, green, blue};
- Black-White image that contain 2 dimension [height][weight]
- the value is how strong you want your gray to become. (more = lighter)
We need to implement the following functions in the classes:
- 2 builders (1: that gets array of pixels, 2: A copy builder)
- getFrame() // returns the array of pixels
- rotate90() // rotate the picture 90 digress
- smooth(int n) // check the n amount of neighbers and get the average of the value of the pixels
- getPixel(int x, int y) // return the value in the pixel [x][y]
- crop(int x, int y ) // crop the image from (0,0) to (x,y)
- addFrom(Frame f) // add from Frame f the value of each pixel to the correct position in this.frame (if not the same instance or size it will do nothing)
- compareTo(Frame f) // compare between 2 sizes of frames. height * weight
I need to Implement a container that contains array of frames.
We need to implement the following functions:
- Frame get(int i) // get the frame from position i in the array.
- int size() // return the amount of frames the array is storing.
- void Add(Frame f) // add Frame f to the array. and make it dynamic.
- void remove(Frame f) // delete Frame f if existing in the array. and make it dynamic.
- void Sort(Frame[] f) // Sort the Frames in f, by the size of them (height * weight)
- void RotateAll(Frame[] f) // Rotate all of the frames 90 digress.
- void smoothAll(Frame[] f, int n) smooth all of the frames by the number of neighbers n.
Create 5 Junit tests for all the functions.