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Loader Functional Testing Pattern

Eric Heasley edited this page May 26, 2015 · 1 revision

Loader Functional Testing Pattern

Write loader tests as functional tests to provide a clean environment in which the loader can operate. Whenever possible use the following pattern for inspecting test results.

Step 1: In the functional test's HTML file, create the global object window.loaderTestResults and store test result data in that object. For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="path/to/loader.js"></script>
        // do some testing and then at the end 
        window.loaderTestResults = {
                someTestResults: someData

Step 2: Create an Intern test case that watches for the loaderTestResults variable to be set and then evaluates the data it contains.

        'some test case'(): {
                return this.remote
                        .then(pollUntil(function () {
                                return (<any>window).loaderTestResults;
                        }, null, timeout))
                        .then(function (results: any) {
                                assert.strictEqual(results.someTestResults, 'expected data');
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