MySmartCityApp is a framework for approval forms and all about this.
- Dynamic layout for forms
- Dynamic Validations
- Status management of approval forms
- FileUpload
- Calendar entrys of important information
- MongoDB V4.0.9(Community)
- Node.js V11.6.0
- Express V4.17.1
- TypeScript V3.5.2
- SAP UI5 V1.52.5
- Visual Studio Code
Citizens have to go to different offices for their form e.g. Renew driver license -> Driver license office or Renew identity card -> Town Hall.
Each office has its own opening hours and this is very complicated for citizens.
In a SmartCityworld there is only one virtual office left!. This office has all the forms of the city.
A citizen fills an application form and the respective employee of the city works on this. The citizen knows through the app the dates and the status
- Problem: UI5 is complicatad in some place
- Solution: Workaround in some situation e.g. not elegant development
- Problem: New requirements in the middle and the end of the project
- Solution: Rebuild and restructure the code
Team Captain Tim Ittermann
- Age: 23 years old
- Living place: Herne⋅
- Employer: Rku.It/Herne
- Position: Dual Student Software Engineering at FH Dortmund
- Development experience: Java/TypeScript/React/C#
Team Assistant Sven Treutler
- Age: 30 years old
- Living place: Herne
- Employer: Rku.It/Herne
- Position: Senior Developer
- Development experience: Java/ABAP/UI5
Important things to do
- User Experience
- Error Tolerance
- Performance
- User Management
- Logging
- Admin App
- Employee App
Many thanks to the organization of the DO!Hack 2019. Super Job. We love it!