A Telegram Chatbot that tries to help with everyday tasks.
- Go - main language
- SQLite - database for persisting conversation state
- Java - we made a full API to help our bot with some stuff (https://github.com/AleksandraVn/chatBot_api)
- Goland - IDE
- improves/reduces traffic/ways
- helps to keep you busy while you wait for your train (#DBakel)
- gives weather forecast
- informs the user about public police information
- Reminds you that it's time to go home
- Find other people on the same way like you!
- Find Recharge Points
- Ridesharing
We just started with Go and needed to learn everything from scratch. It was our first Telegram Bot. A lot of ideas needed to be put in, ranked by fun and how important they are (to us). The way to interact with the database was a bit tricky without previous experience.
Alex wanted Java but nobody cared. So we used Go and everyone was happy (except Alex).
Just kidding. We had lots of fun learning new stuff and exploring the possibilities of Go.
4/5 people in the group are students and one is a trainee in the 3rd year.
We had basic knowledge of Java, C, C++ and C# were learned in the university but the focus lays on Java.
The trainee works in a company in the area of Web/App-Development and uses PHP/JS/HTML/CSS/C# most times.
https://github.com/T1m6 https://github.com/flofeld https://github.com/fridtjof https://github.com/AleksandraVn https://github.com/dominikfladung
We would have liked to implement a system where it wouldn't be necessary to use commands. A system to filter the input as a form of interaction between the bot and the user, which lets the user think this bot works like a AI. (of course it would look like a stupid bread in comparison to Google AIs) We want to add more helpful features in the future.
It looks like Telegram und works like Telegram. You can test it out if you like. (and if the server is running...)
We would like to mention the immense help Club Mate and the Beer provided to keep us motivated and fit. A big thanks to all the people who helped to keep the stock filled.