A lightweight funky functional types for C#.
FunqTypes is a set of functional types and helpers for .NET that brings null-safety, error handling and composition to C# applications. It provides:
- β
type - Monadic error handling withOk/Fail
alternative aliases - β
type - Null-safe optional values withSome/None
alternative aliases - β LINQ & FP Support - Fluent mappings, binding, filtering
- β
Zero Overhead - Efficient
readonly record struct
Writing clean, composable, and bug-resistant code in C# shouldn't be painful. FunqTypes helps by eliminating exceptions as a control flow mechanism and replacing them with functional, explicit error handling and null-safe optional values to avoid Null Reference Exceptions.
dotnet add package FunqTypes
represents an optional value that is either:
β Contains a value βNone
β Represents the absence of a value β
var someValue = Option<int>.Some(42);
var noneValue = Option<int>.None();
var funky = Option<int>.Yeah(42); // Same as Some(42)
var empty = Option<int>.Nah(); // Same as None()
Option<string> implicitSome = "FunqTypes"; // Automatically converts to Some("FunqTypes")
Option<string> implicitNone = null; // Automatically converts to None()
β No need to manually check for null anymore!
var option = Option<int>.Yeah(10);
Console.WriteLine(option.GetValueOrDefault()); // Output: 10
Console.WriteLine(option.GetValueOrDefault(100)); // Output: 10
Console.WriteLine(Option<int>.Nah().GetValueOrDefault(100)); // Output: 100
β Supports custom defaults and lazy evaluation:
var fallback = Option<int>.Nah().GetValueOrDefault(() => ComputeExpensiveValue());
β Map β Transform an Option
var option = Option<int>.Yeah(5);
var doubled = option.Map(x => x * 2);
Console.WriteLine(doubled.GetValueOrDefault()); // Output: 10
β If None, mapping does nothing:
Option<int>.Nah().Map(x => x * 2); // Stays None
β Bind β Flatten Nested Options
Option<int> Parse(string input) =>
int.TryParse(input, out var num) ? Option<int>.Yeah(num) : Option<int>.Nah();
var result = Option<string>.Yeah("42").Bind(Parse);
Console.WriteLine(result.GetValueOrDefault()); // Output: 42
var option = Option<int>.Yeah(10);
var filtered = option.Where(x => x > 5); // Stays Some(10)
var noneFiltered = option.Where(x => x > 15); // Becomes None()
Console.WriteLine(filtered.IsSome); // True
Console.WriteLine(noneFiltered.IsNone); // True
var option = Option<string>.Yeah("FunqTypes Rocks!");
option.IfYeah(Console.WriteLine); // Output: "FunqTypes Rocks!"
option.IfNah(() => Console.WriteLine("No value found.")); // Not called
β Works even if the option is empty:
Option<string>.Nah().IfNah(() => Console.WriteLine("No value found.")); // Output: "No value found."
var optionalData = Option<int>.Nah();
var result = optionalData.ToResult("Value not found");
Console.WriteLine(result.IsNeat); // False
Console.WriteLine(result.Errors.First()); // Output: "Value not found"
var option = Option<int>.Yeah(5);
var sum = option.ToEnumerable()
.Select(x => x * 2)
Console.WriteLine(sum); // Output: 10
β Empty Option results in an empty sequence:
var sum = Option<int>.Nah().ToEnumerable().Sum(); // 0
Method | Description |
Option<T>.Some(value) |
Creates an Option containing value |
Option<T>.None() |
Represents the absence of a value |
.Yeah(value) |
Alias for Some(value) |
.Nah() |
Alias for None() |
.GetValueOrDefault() |
Returns the value or default(T) |
.GetValueOrDefault(fallback) |
Returns the value or fallback |
.Map(func) |
Transforms Option<T> into Option<U> |
.Bind(func) |
Maps Option<T> to another Option<U> |
.Where(predicate) |
Filters Option<T> |
IfSome(action) ,.IfYeah(action) |
Executes action if Some |
IfNone(action) ,.IfNah(action) |
Executes action if None |
ToResult(error) |
Converts Option<T> to Result<T, E> |
ToEnumerable() |
Converts Option<T> into IEnumerable<T> |
Result<T, E>
represents returned value or an error:
β Represents success value βE
β Represents error β
public record FunqError(string Code, string Message);
var success = Result<int, FunqError>.Ok(42);
var failure = Result<int, FunqError>.Fail(new FunqError("INVALID", "Invalid input"));
Console.WriteLine(success.IsSuccess); // True
Console.WriteLine(failure.IsSuccess); // False
var funkySuccess = Result<int, FunqError>.Gotcha(42); // Same as Some(42)
var funkyFailure = Result<int, FunqError>.Oops(); // Same as None()
Console.WriteLine(funkySuccess.IsGucci); // True
Console.WriteLine(funkySuccess.IsGucci); // False
public static Result<User, FunqError> CreateUser(string username, string email, string password)
return ValidateUsername(username)
.Bind(_ => ValidateEmail(email))
.Bind(_ => ValidatePassword(password))
.Map(_ => new User(username, email, password));
public static Result<User, FunqError> CreateUserAggregated(string username, string email, string password)
var usernameResult = ValidateUsername(username);
var emailResult = ValidateEmail(email);
var passwordResult = ValidatePassword(password);
var validationResult = Result<string, FunqError>.Combine(usernameResult, emailResult, passwordResult);
return validationResult.IsSuccess
? Result<User, FunqError>.Gotcha(new User(username, email, password))
: Result<User, FunqError>.Oops(validationResult.Errors.ToArray());
public async Task<Result<User, FunqError>> CreateUserAsync(string username, string email, string password)
return await ValidateUsernameAsync(username)
.MapAsync(user => new User(username, email, password));
var result = CreateUser("JohnDoe", "invalidemail", "123");
var message = result.Match(
success => $"User created: {success.Name}",
errors => $"Failed: {string.Join(", ", errors)}"
β Where(predicate, error)
Filters a successful Result<T, E>
based on a predicate.
- If predicate(value) is false, it transforms the success into a failure with the specified error.
- If the Result was already a failure, it remains unchanged.
var result = Result<int, string>.Gotcha(10)
.Where(x => x > 5, "Value must be greater than 5");
Console.WriteLine(result.IsGucci); // True
var failed = Result<int, string>.Gotcha(3)
.Where(x => x > 5, "Value must be greater than 5");
Console.WriteLine(failed.IsGucci); // False
Console.WriteLine(failed.Errors.First()); // "Value must be greater than 5"
β If Result is already a failure, Where does nothing:
var alreadyFailed = Result<int, string>.Oops("Initial failure")
.Where(x => x > 5, "New failure");
Console.WriteLine(alreadyFailed.Errors.First()); // "Initial failure"
β Where(predicate)
Same as above, but uses a default error (default(E))
if predicate(value) fails.
var filtered = Result<int, string>.Gotcha(10)
.Where(x => x > 15); // Becomes failure (default error)
Console.WriteLine(filtered.IsGucci); // False
Console.WriteLine(filtered.Errors.Count); // 1
Applies a function to a successful result, transforming T
into U
var result = Result<int, string>.Gotcha(5)
.Select(x => x * 2);
Console.WriteLine(result.IsGucci); // True
Console.WriteLine(result.Value); // 10
β If the Result is already a failure, Select does nothing:
var failed = Result<int, string>.Oops("Invalid number")
.Select(x => x * 2);
Console.WriteLine(failed.IsGucci); // False
Console.WriteLine(failed.Errors.First()); // "Invalid number"
β SelectMany(binder)
Allows chaining operations where T β Result<U, E>
Result<int, string> Parse(string input) =>
int.TryParse(input, out var num) ? Result<int, string>.Gotcha(num) : Result<int, string>.Oops("Invalid number");
Result<int, string> EnsurePositive(int number) =>
number > 0 ? Result<int, string>.Gotcha(number) : Result<int, string>.Oops("Must be positive");
var result = Result<string, string>.Gotcha("42")
Console.WriteLine(result.IsGucci); // True
Console.WriteLine(result.Value); // 42
β Handles failure propagation automatically:
var failed = Result<string, string>.Gotcha("-10")
Console.WriteLine(failed.IsGucci); // False
Console.WriteLine(failed.Errors.First()); // "Must be positive"
var result = GetUserById(1)
.Tap(user => Console.WriteLine($"User found: {user.Name}"))
.Tap(_ => Console.WriteLine("User validation passed"))
Method | Description |
Result<T, E>.Ok(value) |
Creates a successful result |
Result<T, E>.Fail(errors...) |
Creates a failed result with one or more errors |
.Gotcha(value) |
Alias for .Ok(value) |
.Oops(errors...) |
Alias for Fail(errors...) |
.Bind(func) |
Chains operations, stopping on first failure |
.Map(func) |
Transforms a success value |
.Ensure(predicate, error) |
Validates a success value, failing if predicate is false |
.Combine(results...) |
Combines multiple results, accumulating errors |
.Match(onSuccess, onFailure) |
Pattern matches on success or failure |
.BindAsync(func), .MapAsync(func), .EnsureAsync(predicate, error) |
Asynchronous versions of Bind, Map, and Ensure |
.GetValueOrDefault(), .GetValueOrDefault(T), ..GetValueOrDefault(func) |
Returns success value or default |
.Where(predicate, error) |
Filters Result<T, E> , failing if predicate is false |
.Where(predicate) |
Filters without specifying an error (uses default(E) ) |
.Select(predicate) |
Transforms T β U while keeping Result<T, E> structure |
.SelectMany(binder) |
Chains multiple Result<T, E> computations |
.Tap(action) , .TapAsync(action) |
Use for logging success |
.TapError(binder) , TapErrorAsync(action) |
Use for debugging and logging failure |
Use Case | Best Method |
Validate a field and fail if invalid | Ensure(condition, error) |
Transform a successful result | Map(func) |
Chain operations where the next step depends on the previous success | Bind(func) |
Collect multiple validation errors | Ensure multiple times |
Handle both success and failure explicitly | Match(onSuccess, onFailure) |
public static Result<int, string> ParseNumber(string input) =>
int.TryParse(input, out int number)
? Result<int>.Gotcha(number)
: Result<int>.Oops("Invalid number format.");
var result = Result<string, string>.Gotcha("42")
.Ensure(num => num > 0, "Number must be positive.")
.Map(num => $"Processed number: {num * 2}");
var message = result.Match(
success => success,
errors => $"Processing failed: {string.Join(", ", errors)}"
Console.WriteLine(message); // Output: "Processed number: 84"
var result = Result<string, string>.Gotcha("Ad")
.Ensure(name => name.Length >= 3, "Name must be at least 3 characters.")
.Ensure(name => name.All(char.IsLetterOrDigit), "Name must contain only letters and digits.")
.Ensure(name => !name.StartsWith("Admin"), "Name cannot start with 'Admin'.");
var message = result.Match(
success => $"Username '{success}' is valid!",
errors => $"Username validation failed: {string.Join("; ", errors)}"
// Output: "Username validation failed: Name must be at least 3 characters."
public static string ProcessUserInput(string username, string password)
var result = Result<string, string>.Gotcha(username)
.Ensure(u => u.Length >= 5, "Username must be at least 5 characters.")
.Ensure(u => !u.Contains(" "), "Username cannot contain spaces.")
.Ensure(u => char.IsLetter(u[0]), "Username must start with a letter.")
.Bind(_ => Result<string>.Gotcha(password))
.Ensure(p => p.Length >= 8, "Password must be at least 8 characters.")
.Ensure(p => p.Any(char.IsDigit), "Password must contain at least one number.")
.Ensure(p => p.Any(char.IsUpper), "Password must contain at least one uppercase letter.");
return result.Match(
success => "User successfully created β
errors => $"User creation failed: {string.Join("; ", errors)}"
// Test cases:
Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserInput("User", "Password1")); // Username too short
Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserInput("ValidUser", "pass")); // Password too short
Console.WriteLine(ProcessUserInput("ValidUser", "ValidPass1")); // User successfully created
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