cbdinocluster is the successor to cbdyncluster. It's intention is to provide tooling for the dynamic allocation of clusters on developer machines as well in various CI environments.
- Docker CLI (not neccessarily Docker for Desktop)
brew install docker
- Colima w/ Network Address
brew install colima colima start --network-address --cpu 4 --memory 6 # you can later use `colima stop` to stop it
- Docker
- Not yet supported, but possible with cbdynvagrant
- Download the latest release
- Setup cbdinocluster
Note that on MacOS, you may need to remove the quarantine attribute with a command like this:
./cbdinocluster init
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine $PWD/cbdinocluster
./cbdinocluster ps
./cbdinocluster allocate simple:7.2.0
./cbdinocluster rm {{CLUSTER_ID}}