Migrate my old code from SourceForge
==== MobileASM (2009): A simple asm interpreter in J2ME
I developped this application with Java(TM) ME platform SDK 3.0, EA. And it is very simple software to execute assembly as script. However, I make it in a haste and the FLAGS is confusing and I have not corrected the error yet.
// 1+2+3+...+100
mov eax,0
mov ecx,100
add eax,ecx
dec ecx
ja 3
print "1+2+3+...+100
print eax
==== ExpressionCalc (2011): A simple expression calculator lib in Java
I write it without using regex of Java to build an own code interpreter. And I use the CalcTree to do calculation for a complicated expression and SymbolTable supports to hold varibles.
SymbolTableNode stn;
SymbolTable st;
CalcTree ct;
LineCodeStream lcs;
st = new SymbolTable();
ct = new CalcTree();
// declare variables
stn = st.add("hello", null);
stn.data = Double.valueOf(20.0);
stn.type = 0;
stn = st.add("world", null);
stn.data = Double.valueOf(10.0);
stn.type = 0;
// declare functions
stn = st.add("sqr", null);
stn.data = Integer.valueOf(1); // function id
stn.type = 1;
stn = st.add("cube", null);
stn.data = Integer.valueOf(2);
stn.type = 1;
stn = st.add("double", null);
stn.data = Integer.valueOf(3);
stn.type = 1;
// try an expression
lcs = new LineCodeStream(
"hello+cube(world) - (world + 2)*sqr(2) - sqr(cube(double(2)))/hello");
// TODO: proccess every token from lcs.getWord()
// TODO: and add tokens to calculating tree
double _val = 0.0;
_val = calcTreeValue(ct.getRoot(),st);
System.out.println(lcs.getLineCode() + " = " + _val);
For example, in SyCoExp3in1.java:
[ parent:(left | right) ]
-:(-:(+:(1|3.0) | /:(+:(-:(/:(+:(*:(+:(hello | ,:(f,+:(x,5))) | 2) | 1.0) | 3) | 3) | 9) | 4) ) | 3)
/ \
- 3
/ \
+ /
/ \ | \
1 3 + 4
/ \
- 9
/ 3
+ 3
/ \
* 1.0
+ 2
/ \
hello ,
f +
x 5
==== JVCForCsharp (2012)
New Style:
// load jvm
JavaConnector jvc = new JavaConnector();
// now options can be customized.
// jvc.InitializeJVM(new string[] { "-Djava.compiler=NONE", "-Djava.class.path=.;test.jar;", "-verbose:NONE" });
// work with jvm
Java java = jvc.Connect();
* package ljy.test;
* public class TestMain {
* public static int x = 0;
* public static int a, b, c;
* public static float d;
* public static void main(String[] args) {
* x = Integer.valueOf(args[0]) + 4;
* }
* public static void test(int[] args, float extra) {
* a = args[0]; b = args[1]; c = (int)extra; d = extra;
* x = a + b + c;
* }
* }
JavaClass TestMainClass = java.LoadClass("ljy.test.TestMain");
JavaStaticMethod methodMain = TestMainClass.GetStaticMethod("void", "main", "java.lang.String[]");
JavaStaticField mInt = TestMainClass.GetStaticField("int", "x");
JavaArray strarr = new JavaArray(new string[] { "2" });
int mVal = mInt.GetIntValue(); // get 6
JavaStaticMethod methodTest = TestMainClass.GetStaticMethod("void", "test", "int[]", "float");
JavaArray intarr = new JavaArray(new int[] { 5, 6 });
methodTest.VoidInvoke(intarr, 4.4f);
JavaStaticField aInt = TestMainClass.GetStaticField("int", "a");
JavaStaticField bInt = TestMainClass.GetStaticField("int", "b");
JavaStaticField cInt = TestMainClass.GetStaticField("int", "c");
JavaStaticField dFloat = TestMainClass.GetStaticField("float", "d");
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("x = {0}, a = {1}, b = {2}, c = {3}, d = {4}",
mInt.GetIntValue(), aInt.GetIntValue(), bInt.GetIntValue(), cInt.GetIntValue(),
dFloat.GetFloatValue())); // x = 15, a = 5, b = 6, c = 4, d = 4.4
Old Style:
// load jvm
JavaInterface.JavaConnector jvc = new JavaInterface.JavaConnector();
// work with jvm
JavaInterface.JavaENV env;
env = jvc.GetJavaENV();
* package ljy.csharp.jvm;
* class Hello {
* public static int m = 9;
* }
int HelloClass = env.FindClass("ljy/csharp/jvm/Hello");
int mInt = env.GetStaticFieldID(HelloClass, "m", "I");
// mVal will get 9
int mVal = env.GetStaticIntField(HelloClass, mInt);
// unload jvm
// other examples:
// create an Integer entity
int intclass = env.FindClass("java/lang/Integer");
int intinitmethod = env.GetMethodID(intclass, "<init>", "(I)V");
int test = 5;
IntPtr testptr = NativeMemory.NewIntObject(test);
int intentity = env.NewObjectA(intclass, intinitmethod, testptr);
// create a Date entity to get cureent time
int dateclass = env.FindClass("java/util/Date");
int dateinitmethod = env.GetMethodID(dateclass, "<init>", "()V");
int dateentity = env.NewObject(dateclass, dateinitmethod, null);
int date_gettime = env.GetMethodID(dateclass, "getTime", "()J");
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Time: {0}",
env.CallLongMethod(dateentity, date_gettime, null)));
==== Chrome Extension for UI Automation
Extension example.
==== Artificial Inteligence Lab
- Texas Hold'em Poker: texas_holdem_poker
- Chinese Majiang: majiang