Angular 4 components, directives and styles based on material design lite (v: 1.3.0).
If you are looking for a stable Angular 2 compatible version please refer to this branch: . The master is compatible with Angular 4.
This package assumes that you are building an Angular app with TypeScript. Angular CLI makes it even easier but isn't required.
Demo-App with all supported components and documentation
Please don't use github to ask questions. Use stackoverflow instead:
Here is a plnkr if you'd like to play around
- Badges
- Buttons
- Cards
- Chips
- Dialogs (imperative and declarative)
- Icons
- Loading
- Shadow
- Toggle (Checkbox, Radio, Icon Toggle, Switch)
- Lists
- Slider
- Snackbar
- Table
- Tooltips
- Menu
- Layout (standard, scroll, waterfall, tabs)
- Tabs
- Textfields (multiline, expandable)
npm install @angular-mdl/core --save
Just use it. Add the MdlModule to your NgModule imports and you are done!
You need to configure your system-config.js
const map: any = {
'@angular-mdl/core': 'vendor/@angular-mdl/core'
/** User packages configuration. */
const packages: any = {
'@angular-mdl/core': { main: 'bundle/core.js'}
You may include the material-deisgn-lite css in your html and you're done!
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
Under you'll find a customizing tool to change the theme colors.
This package includes the scss files from material-design-lite. With these files you are able to change the colors and other variables in your own scss files:
@import "~@angular-mdl/core/scss/color-definitions";
$color-primary: $palette-blue-500;
$color-primary-dark: $palette-blue-700;
$color-accent: $palette-amber-A200;
$color-primary-contrast: $color-dark-contrast;
$color-accent-contrast: $color-dark-contrast;
@import '~@angular-mdl/core/scss/material-design-lite';
To make this working you need to find out the way how you could tell your build system where the scss is located.
For example with webpack you can use the special ~@angular-mdl/core
syntax or you can configure the includePaths:
sassLoader: {
includePaths: [util.root('node_modules', '@angular-mdl/core', 'scss')]
Every contribution is welcome. Please checkout the file.
If you need a working example for the current angular-cli with the current angular-mdl and angular versions please have a look at: