The polynomial semantics of linear logic interprets linear logic programs as matrices of polynomials. We compute these matrices using Singular and do machine learning on them with Python and TensorFlow. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Update April 2018: this project was continued in this repo which was itself abandoned in early 2017 (but made public in 2018). For more on this subject, see the paper "Derivatives of Turing machines in linear logic" by J. Clift and D. Murfet.
First you need a working installation of the commutative algebra package Singular. Singular is available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X and is easy to install. You will also need to have installed Python and TensorFlow. Probably the easiest way to do this is by installing the Anaconda distribution of Python 2.7 and then installing TensorFlow by running (with the Anaconda binaries in your PATH)
conda install -c jjhelmus tensorflow=0.10.0rc0
Obviously the version may have changed since this file was written, so check the website. Our server is at
but this is not for public use!
An alternative way to get TensorFlow working is to use an AMI with everything already set up (you can test that things are working using the instructions at the end of this page). Good examples of using TensorFlow can be found here (which is a blog about this GitHub repo, on which our
is heavily based). There is documentation for TensorFlow slim.
For an explanation of the mathematics behind this code, see Murfet.
On an AWS machine install Anaconda simply by wget
and then follow these instructions to get Jupyter notebook serving off that machine. See the official instructions if anything goes wrong. Hopefully all you need to do is run
cd ~/Notebooks
jupyter notebook
Managing EBS volumes can get confusing, see this. Regarding running Jupyter Notebook on startup, see these instructions.
A binary sequence S (for example 001) can be encoded in linear logic by a proof, and the interpreted by the polynomial semantics as a matrix of polynomials. This matrix of polynomials can in turn be viewed as a vector with integer coefficients, by reading off in some principled way all the coefficients of the monomials in each entry of the matrix. Call this vector V(S). The initial test is to use a deep net classifier to learn the second digit of S from the vector V(S).
The vectors V(S) are computed by the Singular code in binaryseq.txt
. Running this code outputs all vectors for sequences S of length L (where L is a variable set in the file) randomly putting half of the vectors in a file data/outfile-lengthL-train.csv
and half in data/outfile-lengthL-eval.csv
. The format of these files is that there is one row per sequence S, with the first entry being the second digit of S and the remaining entries making up the vector V(S).
The network is trained with, e.g. for L = 7
python --train data/outfile-length7-train-second_digit.csv --test data/outfile-length7-eval-second_digit.csv --num_epochs 10 --num_hidden 5 --verbose True
The results we get for various values of num_epochs
and num_hidden
with num_epochs 100 and num_hidden 2 we get 0.7, 0.63, 0.68
with num_epochs 500 and num_hidden 2 we get 0.7, 0.54
with num_epochs 100 and num_hidden 5 we get 0.72, 0.67
with num_epochs 100 and num_hidden 10 we get 0.72
Obviously this is not very good; probably we need more hidden layers.
Next we tried with a different initialisation, with weights to zero rather than randomly distributed. This was way worse
with num_epochs 100 and num_hidden 2 we get 0.49
with num_epochs 100 and num_hidden 10 we get 0.49, 0.49
Ok, so we stick with xavier
then. The above are both using tanh
nonlinearities, using relu
the results are
with num_epochs 100 and num_hidden 2 we get 0.49, 0.49
with num_epochs 100 and num_hidden 10 (xavier init) we get 0.77
with num_epochs 100 and num_hidden 10 (uniform init) we get 0.70, 0.72
Next we classify on the binary sum of the digits of S. With sequence length 6, tanh
nonlinearity and xavier
initialisation we use a command like
python --train data/outfile-length6-train-sum_of_digits.csv --test data/outfile-length6-eval-sum_of_digits.csv --num_epochs 10 --num_hidden 5 --verbose True
The results are:
with num_epochs 10 and num_hidden 5 we get 0.95, 0.975
So, pretty good. Now we do the same thing with sequences of length 7, tanh
and xavier
with num_epochs 10 and num_hidden 5 we get 0.974, 1.0
Probably we should choose a vector encoding with less zeros, so we can do longer sequences. OK, we did that, and things still work: now we get 0.98, 0.98
on length 7, and it is significantly faster. Finally, on sequences of length 8 we get
with num_epochs 10 and num_hidden 5 we get 0.99, 1.0, 1.0
Classify a binary sequence S of length L as 1
if the number of ones occurring in S is greater than or equal to L/2, and as 0
python --train data/outfile-length7-train-half_ones.csv --test data/outfile-length7-eval-half_ones.csv --num_epochs 10 --num_hidden 5 --verbose True
The results of learning this classification are:
length 5: with num_epochs 10 and num_hidden 5 we get 1.0, 0.82, 0.86
length 6: with num_epochs 10 and num_hidden 5 we get 0.94, 0.86, 0.77
length 7: with num_epochs 10 and num_hidden 5 we get 1.0, 0.96, 0.98
Next we try to visualise this with TensorBoard (sample code here). Note that you probably have to install other stuff. To open a port for the python webserver on an EC2 machine, see these instructions.
tensorboard --logdir=/home/ubuntu/polysemantics/mnist_logs
Now we run
as follows, to train on length 7 sequences the half_ones
type classifier, with log file written to /home/ubuntu/polysemantis/logs/half_ones
python --name second_digit --length 6 --num_epochs 10 --num_hidden 5
python --name second_digit --length 8 --num_epochs 10 --num_hidden 5
python --name half_ones --length 6 --num_epochs 10 --num_hidden 5
python --name half_ones --length 7 --num_epochs 10 --num_hidden 5
python --name sum_of_digits --length 7 --num_epochs 10 --num_hidden 5
python --name sum_of_digits --length 8 --num_epochs 10 --num_hidden 5
tensorboard --logdir=/home/ubuntu/polysemantics/logs