The design and development of this system is described in a MSc Thesis titled "Distributed Ledger Technologies for Managing Heterogeneous Computing and Sensing Systems at the Edge", which can be accessed here. For instructions on installation, please see the Thesis-related GitHub
Three distinct GOLANG Fabric Smart Contracts for Inventory Management, Edge Server Resource Collection and Latency Collection.
Keep different assets in the blockchain with their properties, e.g. Edge Servers & Robots, and functions associated with listing the different kinds of assets.
Stores the data created by the Distributed Resource Collector & Heartbeat. Currently 2/3 configurations have been finished: Unique resources, Updatable resources. Resource Offloading is still a work in progress.
The latency collector Smart Contract stores the results of the Latency Measurement included in the Distributed Resource Collector & Heartbeat. It is also responsible for directly interacting with the Inventory Management Smart Contracts to get the necessary details and properties of the inventory assets.
Selects Edge Node based on latency and current resources for task
Inventory Management, Edge Server Resource Collection and Latency Collection. Offloading data from the blockchain, data verirification functions and result pagination are still a Work In Progress.