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GluonCV 0.8.0 Release

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@bryanyzhu bryanyzhu released this 10 Aug 17:38
· 145 commits to master since this release

GluonCV 0.8.0 Release Note


GluonCV v0.8.0 features the popular depth estimation model Monodepth2, semantic segmentation models (DANet and FastSCNN), StyleGAN, and multiple usability improvements.

Monodepth2 (thanks @KuangHaofei )

We provide GluonCV implementation of Monodepth2 and the results are fully reproducible. To try out on your own images, please see our demo tutorial. To train a Monodepth2 model on your own dataset, please see our dive deep tutorial.

Following table shows its performance on the KITTI dataset.

Name Modality Resolution Abs. Rel. Error delta < 1.25 Hashtag
monodepth2_resnet18_kitti_stereo_640x192 1 Stereo 640x192 0.114 0.856 92871317

More Semantic Segmentation Models (thanks @xdeng7 and @ytian8 )

We include two new semantic segmentation models in this release, one is DANet, the other is FastSCNN.

Following table shows their performance on the Cityscapes validation set.

Model Pre-Trained Dataset Dataset pixAcc mIoU
danet_resnet50_citys ImageNet Cityscapes 96.3 78.5
danet_resnet101_citys ImageNet Cityscapes 96.5 80.1
fastscnn_citys - Cityscapes 95.1 72.3

Our FastSCNN is an improved version from a recent paper using semi-supervised learning. To our best knowledge, 72.3 mIoU is the highest-scored implementation of FastSCNN and one of the best real-time semantic segmentation models.

StyleGAN (thanks @xdeng7 )

A GluonCV implementation of StyleGAN "A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks":

Bug fixes and Improvements

  • We now officially deprecated python2 support, the minimum required python 3 version is 3.6. (#1399)
  • Fixed Faster-RCNN training script (#1249)
  • Allow SRGAN to be hybridized (#1281)
  • Fix market1501 dataset (#1227)
  • Added Visdrone dataset (#1267)
  • Improved video action recognition task's (#1339)
  • Added jetson object detection tutorial (#1346)
  • Improved guide for contributing new algorithms to GluonCV (#1354)
  • Fixed amp parameter that required in class ForwardBackwardTask (#1404)