The Payfort SDK For Java (Beta) enables Java developers to easily integrate with Payfort
You can find more help in following link :
To run the SDK you will need Java 1.8+.
- Merchant id
- Merchant access code
- SHA request phrase
- SHA response phrase
mvn clean install
import com.payfort.sdk.FortAccount;
import com.payfort.sdk.FortKeys;
import com.payfort.sdk.FortSDK;
import com.payfort.sdk.parameter.FortParameter;
import com.payfort.sdk.types.FortEnvironment;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Replace parameter with your own
FortAccount configuration = new FortAccount("accessCode", "merchantId", "sharequest", "sharesponse");
FortSDK fort = new FortSDK(configuration, FortEnvironment.SAND_BOX);
FortParameter parameter = new FortParameter();
// Later on you will use token name to complete host to host integration
parameter.add(FortKeys.TOKEN_NAME, "Token Name");
// there is utility for generate random merchant refernce fort.generateRandomMerchantReference()
parameter.add(FortKeys.MERCHANT_REFERENCE, "Merchant refernce");
parameter.add(FortKeys.RETURN_URL, "Your return url");
// Your service command is TOKENIZATION
parameter.add(FortKeys.SERVICE_COMMAND, "TOKENIZATION");
FortParameter callResponse = fort.callApi(parameter);
import com.payfort.sdk.types.FortCurrency;
public class App{
public static void main(String[] args) {
double amountAfterAddingDecimalPoint = FortCurrency.USD.fortAmount(50);
// Whilen USD Currency have 2 decimal point dependence on iso standard
// then the value of amountAfterAddingDecimalPoint will be 5000