Material for a UC Irvine course offered by the Department of Physics Astronomy and developed by David Kirkby.
This course uses a standard component kit for each student whose total cost is about US$200 and fits comfortably in a 6-quart plastic storage box, weighing about 365g (less than a pound).
Many of the components are designed and manufactured by adafruit which provides excellent supporting documentation and tutorials.
For basic examples that demonstrate each of the kit's components, start here.
- Introduction to the kit components
- Perform initial setup of the microcontrollers
- Build your first circuit and program
- Digital and analog inputs
- Analog output
- Circuit Configuration
- Project Brainstorming with an AI assistant
- Motors
- Neopixels
- Sonar distance measurement
- I2C communication and modules
- Audio input and output
- How to examine a circuit board
- Power measurement and design considerations
- Hardware debugging techniques
- WiFi communication
- AI design assistant