This is an app for musical instrument shop owners to keep track of rental agreements.
- Clone the repo
- bundle install
- rake db:migrate
- rake db:seed
- rails s
- You're all set! Point your browser at localhost:3000 to play with Instrumental!
- Sign up as a new user
- Oooh, or try signing up with Facebook!
- Create a new rental of a specific intrument you want
- OR, take a look at the list of instruments that are already available!
- Did you just rent an instrument? You're probably being featured in the Renter Spotlight! Wow!
See something on Instrumental you think could be improved?
Feel free to fork the app and send us a pull
request. The repo is up at:
Thanks for your help!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Thanks for using Geohunter!