This is a fork from the original Just needed to also change some fields in the header and footer so I created the necessary methods to do so.
Note: This are very basic methods, it assumes there's only 1 header (header1.xml) and 1 footer (footer1.xml).
I'm no expert in the docx format so I just replaced the tag with the value, no xml iteration or funky business here :)
The example should be self explanatory.
- Create valid docx based on a template
- Nested blocks on infinite levels
Simply open up word 2007+
If you want to map a single field you can just use #NAME# but you could use anything you like since it's just a search & replace
To create a block
[start blockname]
your content
[start somenestedblock]
[end somenestedblock]
[end blockname]
- blockname should be unique
- blockname has to match \w+ reg ex (a-zA-Z_)
- fields mapped in block has to be unique
Please check out full template in the repo
$phpdocx = new phpdocx("mytemplate.docx");
$phpdocx->assign("#TITLE1#","Hello !"); // basic field mapping
$phpdocx->assignBlock("members",array(array("#NAME#"=>"John","#SURNAME#"=>"DOE"),array("#NAME#"=>"Jane","#SURNAME#"=>"DOE"))); // this would replicate two members block with the associated values
$phpdocx->assignNestedBlock("pets",array(array("#PETNAME#"=>"Rex")),array("members"=>1)); // would create a block pets for john doe with the name rex
$phpdocx->assignNestedBlock("pets",array(array("#PETNAME#"=>"Rox")),array("members"=>2)); // would create a block pets for jane doe with the name rox
$phpdocx->assignNestedBlock("toys",array(array("#TOYNAME#"=>"Ball")),array("members"=>1,"pets"=>1)); // would create a block toy for rex
$phpdocx->assignNestedBlock("toys",array(array("#TOYNAME#"=>"Frisbee")),array("members"=>2,"pets"=>1)); // would create a block toy for rox
you can either save the generated doc to a file using the save method
Or you can force the download of the file with the download method
If you do not specify a filename in the download method a generated filename will be used
I'm using pclzip for the zip process because the zip utility provided with php can cause issue with office
I'm using three function from the TBS library so congrats to them