=> The bot is originally made by DynamoYT.
=> If you will use the bot in public or any use please just give us credits.
=> Added Premium in Bot.
=> Easily customizable.
=> You can add Premium in any commands.
=> Added Lottery System.
=1) do git clone https://github.com/dhvitOP/Members-Plus-Discord-bot.git
or paste https://github.com/dhvitOP/Members-Plus-Discord-bot.git
in the website you want to host.
=2) Fill the config.json.
=3) change Your bot invite link in commands/help.js and commands/invite.js.
=4) do npm install
in console or terminal.
=5) do npm start
in console or just run if you are hosting on website.
=6) if the response from terminal/console say i am ready
after running on port 6000
then congrats youre done bot is ready to run enjoy.
-) You cannot make your bot public if you use our code and if you used we will report your bot and get your bot banned from discord You can see other details in here in license - HERE
=1) Can i host on glitch
Ans - Yes you can easily
=2) Can i host on repl.it or any website
Ans - Yes You can just you need latest node.js version
=3) Something error come?
Ans - Just Contact me on discord my name is dhvit you can find me on Discord 『𝐔𝐓𝐕』 ⏤͟͟͞★₲ɄƉɃØ¥ 𝓓𝓮𝓥 『</>』#3759 on this id .
=4) how do i add premium in any command?
Ans - Just Copy Paste -
let notpremium = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('You're Not a premium user
let checking = db.get('premium
if(checking && checking.find(find => find.userid != message.author.id)) {
This in any command if you wanna add premium.
=5) For how many days the premium is?
Ans - The Premium is of 15 days.
=6) How Lottery Works?
Ans - The lottery Is always start it never stops and the winner gets 200 coins and if you wanna check how many participants joined do {prefix}lotterystats
(it is only for owners).
=7) How to end lottery ?
Ans - Just do {prefix}end
to end the lottery (this is also only for owners).
=8) How to participate in lottery?
Ans - Do {prefix}lottery
to prticiapate in lottery anyone can participate.
=9) How to create or redeem premium?
Ans - You Have to create code by doing {prefix}create code <any code your choice>
for creating a code (only for owners) and for redeeming do {prefix}redeem <here your code which you have entered before in create code>
for redeeming premium (anyone can).
=10) The bot is spamming cannot find module "ms".
Ans - Just do npm install ms
and done restart the bot.
=11) when starting the bot in console it is showing cannot find module "better-sqlite3"
Ans - Do npm install quick.db
if still error come do npm i better_sqlite3
if still come do npm install sqlite3
And youre done restart the bot.
=12) when i add coins to my account the coins doesnt show
Ans - This means bot is not able to save database in code turn your website project to public.