Python module for the (semi)analytical estimate of migration rates of close-in planets via Lidov-Kozai oscillations
To add to Python modules, simply include
import migration_rates as mr
in your script. You might need to install other Python packages for this to work.
To create a migration fraction plot (close-in fraction+ disruption fraction), you can run
$] python $mp $chi $rocky
where $mp is the mass of the planet (in Jupiter masses), chi is the dimensionless time lag, and rocky=0 if the planet is a gas giant and 1 if it is a rocky planets
For examples,
$] python 1 10 0
creates the figure: migration_fraction_integrated_mplanet1_chi10.pdf
You can reproduce all the figures in Munoz, Lai & Liu (2016) by running
$] python
which may make use of data in the data/ directory
Some figures will be created using pre-computed migration fractions, but some less detailed version of these figures will be computed from scratch. Using the option PARALLEL or parallel in the scripts will speed up the Monte-Carlo integration of the migration fractions. For that, you need to have the module joblib installed.
Figures created by are
figure1.pdf figure2.pdf figure3.pdf figure4a_light.pdf figure4a.pdf figure4b_light.pdf figure4b.pdf figure4c_light.pdf figure4c.pdf figure5_light.pdf figure5.pdf