helpful articles, posts, tutorials, etc.
- JavaScript For Cats by Max Ogden - short introduction to the Javascript programming language
- Eloquent Javascript by Marijn Haverbeke - good all-around book that covers the language in the browser and in node.js
- Learning Javascript Design Patterns - Addy Osmani
- Prototypal Inheritance in Javascript - Douglas Crockford
- Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript - MDN
- An Introduction to Javascript ES6 Classes - Alex Gorbatchev (StrongLoop)
- Learning Advanced JavaScript - John Resig
- Javascript Design Patterns - Carl Danley
- Callback Hell
- Chapter 7: Control Flow - from Mixu's Node book
- Concurrency model and Event Loop - MDN
- Javascript Promises - There and back again - Jake Archibald (HTML Rocks)
- How do Promises Work
- By example: Continuation-passing style in JavaScript
- Chapter 6: Functional Programming - from Eloquent Javascript
- Functional Javascript Workshop - @timoxley
- Faster JavaScript Memoization For Improved Application Performance - Addy Osmani
- Eloquent JavaScript with Underscore.js - @antivanov
- Karl Seguin's Simple Algorithms - common algorithms and data structures described with Javascript
- Little Lisp Interpreter - Mary Rose Cook
- Big O Search Algorithms in Javascript - Bradley Braithwaite
- Node: Up and Running - Tom Hughes-Croucher (O'Reilly)
- 10 Habits of a Happy Node Hacker (2016) - Heroku
- Felix's Node.js Guide - Felix Geisendörfer
- stream-handbook - @substack
- Build a RESTful API Using Node and Express 4 - Chris Sevilleja
- Event loop from 10,000ft - core concept behind Node.js
- Using ECMAScript 6 Today - Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
- Lodash and ECMAScript 2015 - Marius Schulz
- JavaScript Modules: A Beginner's Guide - Preethi Kasireddy