Vue 3 rich accordion component
Demo | Repository | NPM | YouTube
- Zero dependency
- SSR friendly
- Nuxt friendly
- Fully typed with typescript
- Block resize friendly
- v-model controlled
- Default-open feature
- Dynamic content reaction
- Dynamic items allowed
- Animated (optional, controlled by css)
- Exclude closed item's content from tab loop
- All content is provided by slots
- Css fully customizable
- W3C validator passed
via yarn
yarn add vue3-rich-accordion
or via npm
npm i vue3-rich-accordion
// ./src/main.ts
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import { useAccordion } from "vue3-rich-accordion";
import "vue3-rich-accordion/accordion-library-styles.css";
//import "vue3-rich-accordion/accordion-library-styles.scss"; if you wanna to use scss
const app = createApp(App);
or you can use via importing sfc
// SomeVueComponent.vue
<script setup>
import { AccordionList, AccordionItem } from "vue3-rich-accordion";
You can see the full example on demo page Also you can see code example in AccordionSandbox.vue
interface IAccordionListProps {
openMultipleItems ? : boolean; // if true you can open multiple items same time
state ? : Record<string, boolean>; // representing list state {"id1": true, "id2": false} - means 1 item is opened and 2 one is closed
setClosePropertyTime ? : number; // do not touch if everything is ok. it is used to order closing and animation
interface IAccordionItemProps {
id?: string; //Custom id. It is the key in the state object of AccordionList
defaultOpened?: boolean; // if provided item would be opened by default.
disabled?: boolean // is item disabled or not
<template #summary>Item summary</template>
<template #icon>☝️</template>
<h3>Main content</h3>
import "vue3-rich-accordion/accordion-library-styles.css";
//import "vue3-rich-accordion/accordion-library-styles.scss"; if you wanna to use scss
You also can clone this files and change for your design
Default icon is described in styles, you can change it via styles customization