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Organic groups site manager Drupal module

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Organic Groups : Site Manager

This module provides support to setup a platform supporting multiple (sub)sites based on Organic Groups (OG) functionality.

  • Define what node types should be used as Site's.
  • Simplified OG API by providing OG function wrappers.

NOTE : Site entities are limited to node entities.


This module and its submodules adds functionality to support:

Included in og_sm module

  • Support for Group types to become sites enabled (Site).
  • Support for Group Content types (Site Content).
  • Support for Group Users (Site Users).
  • Yml file discovery for site links.

Included in og_sm_admin_menu module

  • Site administration menu that replaces the default admin toolbar when the user is in a Site context.

Included in og_sm_config module

  • Allow site specific configuration.
  • Allow overriding global config per site.

Included in og_sm_content module

  • Site content administration

Included in og_sm_context module

OG context detection based on:

  • Path alias of the current page.
  • Paths starting with group/node/NID

Included in og_sm_menu module

  • Centralised functionality to provide Site specific menu items.

Included in og_sm_path module

  • Define a Site path prefix per Site.
  • Automatic path aliasing with the Site path as staring point.
  • Auto update of Site content aliases and Site related page aliases when the Site path changes.
  • Altering the group/node/nid/admin/... paths to [site-path]/admin/....

Included in og_sm_routing module

  • This module adds support to have Site specific routes.

Included in og_sm_taxonomy module

  • Support global vocabularies with Site specific terms.
  • Manage terms per Site.
  • Select only from terms within the Site when creating content.


Minimal system:

  • PHP 7.3 or higher.
  • Drupal 9.1.x or higher.

The Sites functionality is built upon Organic Groups. Following modules are required to use the Sites functionality:


Enable the Organic Groups Site Manager module.

Edit the node type settings of the types that should be Site types.


  • The Organic Groups > Group checkbox
  • And the Site Manager > Site Type checkbox.


NOTE : In the following examples the og_sm services are accessed directly for sake of simplicity, however it is recommended to access these using dependency injection whenever possible.

Load a Site node

Get a Site node by its Node ID (nid). Will only return the node object if the node exists and it is a Site node type.

$siteManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_manager'); 
$site = $siteManager->load($site_nid);

Currently active Site

A lot of code depends if we are currently in an active Site context.

A helper method is available to get the currently active Site node. This is a wrapper around the OgContext::getGroup() method + loading the node.

Get the currently active Site node:

$siteManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_manager');
$site = $siteManager->currentSite();

Clear all cache for Site

Clear all cache for one site.

This method does not clear the cache itself, it triggers the SiteEvents::CACHE_CLEAR event so modules can clear their specific cached Site parts

$siteManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_manager');
$site = $siteManager->clearSiteCache($site);

Site types

Get a list of node types that are Site node types:

$siteTypeManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_type_manager');
$site_types = $siteTypeManager->getSiteTypes();

Check if node is a Site

The module provides helper methods to detect is a node or node type is a Site node type:

Check if the given node is a Site type:

$siteManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_manager');
$isSite = $siteManager->isSite($node);

Check if a node type is a Site type

Check if the given node type is a Site type:

$siteTypeManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_type_manager');
$isSiteType = $siteTypeManager->isSiteType($type);

Get the path to the Site homepage

Get the url to the homepage of a Site. This will return by default the path to the detail page of the Site. Modules can implement hook_og_sm_site_homepage_alter() to alter the path.

The function will return the url instance based on the given Site or, if no Site is provided, the current Site (from OG context) will be used.

$siteManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_manager');
$homepageUrl = $siteManager->getSiteHomePage($type);

Site content types

Helper method to get a list of site type objects that can be used to create content within a site.

$siteTypeManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_type_manager');
$siteContentTypes = $siteTypeManager->getContentTypes();

Check if a content type can be used within a Site

Helper method to check if a given content type can be used to create content within a Site.

$siteTypeManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_type_manager');
$isSiteContentType = $siteTypeManager->isSiteContentType($type);

Check if content belongs to a Site

Helper methods to get the Site (if any) of a given content item (node) belongs to.

Get all the Site nodes a content entity belongs to.

$siteManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_manager');
$sites = $siteManager->getSitesFromEntity($entity);

Get the Site node object from a given site content entity object. If a entity belongs to multiple Sites only the first Site will be returned.

$siteManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_manager');
$site = $siteManager->getSiteFromEntity($entitiy);

Check if the given entity belongs to a Site:

$siteManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_manager');
$isSiteContent = $siteManager->isSiteContent($entitiy);

Check if the given entity belongs to a given Site:

$siteManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_manager');
$isMember = $siteManager->contentBelongsToSite($entitiy, $site);

Check if user is member of a Site

Helper methods about the Sites a user is member of.

Get the Site nodes a given user belongs to:

$siteManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_manager');
$sites = $siteManager->getUserSites($account);

Check if a user is member of the given site:

$siteManager = \Drupal::service('og_sm.site_manager');
$isMember = $siteManager->userIsMemberOfSite($account, $site);

The naming of the .yml file should be

The allowed parameters per menu item are the same as core's file. Dynamic route parameters like the group's entity type ({entity_type_id}) and the site node ({node}) are automatically injected when needed.

  title: 'Administer site'
  route_name: entity.node.og_admin_routes
  menu_name: og_sm_admin_menu
  title: 'Structure'
  menu_name: og_sm_admin_menu
  weight: 30
        - 'toolbar-icon-system-admin-structure'


Alter the menu items as gathered using


The og_sm module triggers multiple events to make it easier to alter functionality when a Site is involved.

Clear all Site cache

When SiteManager::clearSiteCache() is called, it will not clear any cache itself. It will trigger the SiteEvents::CACHE_CLEAR event so modules can clear the Site parts they have cached.

  • SiteEvents::CACHE_CLEAR : Cache clear method is called for the given Site.

Site node type action events

The module triggers events when a node type is being added or removed as being a Site node type.

  • SiteTypeEvents::ADD : Site node type is being added as a Site type.
  • SiteTypeEvents::REMOVE : Site node type is no longer a Site type.

Site action events

The module watches actions taken place on Site nodes and triggers its own events when an action happens:

  • SiteEvents::PRESAVE : Site node being prepared to be inserted or updated in the database.
  • SiteEvents::INSERT : Site node being inserted.
  • SiteEvents::UPDATE : Site node being updated.
  • SiteEvents::SAVE : Act on a Site node being saved. Will be triggered after a node is inserted or updated. It will always be called after all the SiteEvents::INSERT/SiteEvents::UPDATE events listeners are processed.
  • SiteEvents::DELETE : Site node being deleted.

There are also special post-action events available: the default action hooks (insert, update, save and delete) are called during a DB transaction. This means that it is not possible to perform actions based data in the database as all SQL operations are not committed yet.

To allow modules to interact with a Site node actions after the Site node & all queries by implemented events are stored in the database, following extra action events are triggered:

  • SiteEvents::POST_INSERT : Site node is inserted in the DB and all SiteEvents::INSERT event listeners are processed.
  • SiteEvents::POST_UPDATE : Site node is updated in the DB and all SiteEvents::UPDATE event listeners are processed.
  • SiteEvents::POST_SAVE : Site is inserted or updated in the DB and all SiteEvents::INSERT, SiteEvents::UPDATE, and SiteEvents::SAVE event listeners are processed.
  • SiteEvents::POST_DELETE : Site is deleted from DB and all SiteEvents::DELETE event listeners are processed.


The og_sm module also provides multiple hooks to make it easier to alter functionality when a Site is involved.

The hooks can be put in the yourmodule.module OR in the file. The recommended place is in the file as it keeps your .module file cleaner and makes the platform load less code by default.

The site node is viewed

Will only be triggered when the node_view hook is triggered for a node type that is a Site type.

 * Implements hook_og_sm_site_view().
 * @param &$build
 *   A renderable array representing the entity content. The module may add
 *   elements to $build prior to rendering. The structure of $build is a
 *   renderable array as expected by drupal_render().
 * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $site
 *   The site node.
 * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface $display
 *   The entity view display holding the display options configured for the
 *   entity components.
 * @param $view_mode
 *   The view mode the entity is rendered in.
 * @see hook_node_view()
function hook_og_sm_site_view(
  array &$build, 
  \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $site, 
  \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityViewDisplayInterface $display, 
) {
  // ...

Alter the Site homepage path

The SiteManager::getSiteHomePage() method creates and returns the url instance to the frontpage (homepage) of a Site. That homepage is by default the Site node detail page (node/[site-nid]).

Implementations can require that the homepage links to a different page (eg. group/node/NID/dashboard).

This alter function allows modules to alter that path.

 * Implements hook_og_sm_site_homepage_alter().
 * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $site
 *   The entity object.
 * @param string $route_name
 *   The route name.
 * @param array $route_parameters
 *   The route parameters.
function hook_og_sm_site_homepage_alter(
  \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $site, 
  array &$route_parameters
) {
  $route_name = '';