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Ignore ignored tests in pure suites
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kubukoz committed Nov 20, 2022


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1 parent 473203b commit 7679ae1
Showing 3 changed files with 110 additions and 52 deletions.
126 changes: 74 additions & 52 deletions modules/core/src/weaver/suites.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -67,8 +67,56 @@ abstract class RunnableSuite[F[_]] extends EffectSuite[F] {
def plan : List[TestName]
private[weaver] def runUnsafe(args: List[String])(report: TestOutcome => Unit) : Unit =
effectCompat.unsafeRunSync(run(args)(outcome => effectCompat.effect.delay(report(outcome))))

def isCI: Boolean = System.getenv("CI") == "true"

private[weaver] def analyze[Res, F1[_]](testSeq: Seq[(TestName, Res => F1[TestOutcome])], args: List[String]): TagAnalysisResult[Res, F1] = {
val testsNotIgnored: Seq[(TestName, Res => F1[TestOutcome])] =

val testsTaggedOnly: Seq[(TestName, Res => F1[TestOutcome])] =

val onlyTestsNotIgnored =
testsTaggedOnly.filter(taggedOnly => testsNotIgnored.contains(taggedOnly))

val filteredTests = if (onlyTestsNotIgnored.isEmpty) {
val argsFilter = Filters.filterTests(
testsNotIgnored.collect {
case (name, test) if argsFilter(name) => test
} else

if (testsTaggedOnly.nonEmpty && isCI) {
val failureOutcomes =
} else TagAnalysisResult.FilteredTests(filteredTests)

private[this] def onlyNotOnCiFailure(test: TestName): TestOutcome = {
val result = Result.Failure(
msg = "'Only' tag is not allowed when `isCI=true`",
source = None,
location = List(test.location)
name =,
duration = FiniteDuration(0, "ns"),
result = result,
log = Chain.empty


private[weaver] sealed trait TagAnalysisResult[Res, F[_]]
object TagAnalysisResult {
case class Outcomes[Res, F[_]](outcomes: Seq[TestOutcome]) extends TagAnalysisResult[Res, F]
case class FilteredTests[Res, F[_]](tests: Seq[Res => F[TestOutcome]]) extends TagAnalysisResult[Res, F]

abstract class MutableFSuite[F[_]] extends RunnableSuite[F] {

type Res
@@ -95,53 +143,28 @@ abstract class MutableFSuite[F[_]] extends RunnableSuite[F] {
def usingRes(run : Res => F[Expectations]) : Unit = apply(run)

def isCI: Boolean = "true" == System.getenv("CI")

override def spec(args: List[String]) : Stream[F, TestOutcome] =
override def spec(args: List[String]): Stream[F, TestOutcome] =
synchronized {
if (!isInitialized) isInitialized = true
val testsNotIgnored: Seq[(TestName, Res => F[TestOutcome])] = testSeq.filterNot(_._1.tags(TestName.Tags.ignore))
val testsTaggedOnly: Seq[(TestName, Res => F[TestOutcome])] = testSeq.filter(_._1.tags(TestName.Tags.only))
val onlyTestsNotIgnored = testsTaggedOnly.filter(taggedOnly => testsNotIgnored.contains(taggedOnly))
val filteredTests = if (onlyTestsNotIgnored.isEmpty) {
val argsFilter = Filters.filterTests(
testsNotIgnored.collect {
case (name, test) if argsFilter(name) => test
} else
val parallism = math.max(1, maxParallelism)

if (testsTaggedOnly.nonEmpty && isCI) {
val failureOutcomes = testsTaggedOnly
val parallelism = math.max(1, maxParallelism)

analyze(testSeq, args) match {
case TagAnalysisResult.Outcomes(outcomes) => fs2.Stream.emits(outcomes)
case TagAnalysisResult.FilteredTests(filteredTests)
if filteredTests.isEmpty =>
Stream.empty // no need to allocate resources
case TagAnalysisResult.FilteredTests(filteredTests) => for {
resource <- Stream.resource(sharedResource)
tests =
testStream = Stream.emits(tests).covary[F]
result <- if (parallelism > 1)
else testStream.evalMap(identity)
} yield result
else if (filteredTests.isEmpty) Stream.empty // no need to allocate resources
else for {
resource <- Stream.resource(sharedResource)
tests =
testStream = Stream.emits(tests).lift[F](effectCompat.effect)
result <- if (parallism > 1 ) testStream.parEvalMap(parallism)(identity)(effectCompat.effect)
else testStream.evalMap(identity)
} yield result

private[this] def onlyNotOnCiFailure(test: TestName): TestOutcome = {
val result = Result.Failure(
msg = "'Only' tag is not allowed when `isCI=true`",
source = None,
location = List(test.location)
name =,
duration = FiniteDuration(0, "ns"),
result = result,
log = Chain.empty

private[this] var testSeq = Seq.empty[(TestName, Res => F[TestOutcome])]
private[this] var testSeq: Seq[(TestName, Res => F[TestOutcome])] = Seq.empty

def plan: List[TestName] =

@@ -161,19 +184,18 @@ trait FunSuiteAux {
abstract class FunSuiteF[F[_]] extends RunnableSuite[F] with FunSuiteAux { self =>
override def test(name: TestName)(run: => Expectations): Unit = synchronized {
if(isInitialized) throw initError
testSeq = testSeq :+ (name -> (() => Test.pure( => run)))
testSeq = testSeq :+ (name -> ((_: Unit) => Test.pure( => run)))

override def name : String = self.getClass.getName.replace("$", "")
private def pureSpec(args: List[String]) = synchronized {

private def pureSpec(args: List[String]): fs2.Stream[fs2.Pure, TestOutcome] = synchronized {
if(!isInitialized) isInitialized = true
val argsFilter = Filters.filterTests(
val filteredTests = if (testSeq.exists(_._1.tags(TestName.Tags.only))){
testSeq.filter(_._1.tags(TestName.Tags.only)).map { case (_, test) => test}
} else testSeq.collect {
case (name, test) if argsFilter(name) => test
fs2.Stream.emits( => execute()))
analyze[Unit, cats.Id](testSeq, args) match {
case TagAnalysisResult.Outcomes(outcomes) => fs2.Stream.emits(outcomes)
case TagAnalysisResult.FilteredTests(filteredTests) =>
fs2.Stream.emits( => execute(())))

override def spec(args: List[String]) = pureSpec(args).covary[F]
@@ -182,7 +204,7 @@ abstract class FunSuiteF[F[_]] extends RunnableSuite[F] with FunSuiteAux { self

private[this] var testSeq = Seq.empty[(TestName, () => TestOutcome)]
private[this] var testSeq = Seq.empty[(TestName, Unit => TestOutcome)]
def plan: List[TestName] =

private[this] var isInitialized = false
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions modules/framework/cats/test/src-jvm/junit/JUnitRunnerTests.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -114,6 +114,21 @@ object JUnitRunnerTests extends IOSuite {

test("Tests tagged with ignore are ignored (FunSuite)") { blocker =>
runPure(blocker, Meta.IgnorePure).map { notifications =>
val expected = List(
TestIgnored("is ignored(weaver.junit.Meta$IgnorePure$)"),
TestStarted("not ignored 1(weaver.junit.Meta$IgnorePure$)"),
TestFinished("not ignored 1(weaver.junit.Meta$IgnorePure$)"),
TestStarted("not ignored 2(weaver.junit.Meta$IgnorePure$)"),
TestFinished("not ignored 2(weaver.junit.Meta$IgnorePure$)"),
expect.same(notifications, expected)

"Even if all tests are ignored, will fail if a test is tagged with only") {
blocker =>
@@ -172,6 +187,11 @@ object JUnitRunnerTests extends IOSuite {
suite: SimpleIOSuite): IO[List[Notification]] =
run(blocker, suite.getClass())

def runPure(
blocker: BlockerCompat[IO],
suite: FunSuite): IO[List[Notification]] =
run(blocker, suite.getClass())

sealed trait Notification
case class TestSuiteStarted(name: String) extends Notification
case class TestAssumptionFailure(failure: Failure) extends Notification
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions modules/framework/cats/test/src-jvm/junit/Meta.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -113,6 +113,22 @@ object Meta {


object IgnorePure extends FunSuite {

test("not ignored 1") {

test("not ignored 2") {

test("is ignored".ignore) {


class Sharing(global: GlobalRead) extends IOSuite {

type Res = Unit

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