A Leiningen template for discljord projects.
Run lein new discljord <project-name>
The project that will be created contains code for a simple bot that responds with a random greeting from a configurable list when it's pinged.
- To play around with the API in the repl, run
lein repl
and usestart-bot!
to get a map containing an event, connection and messaging channel. - To run it as an application with the greeting bot functionality,
set a token in the
file and runlein run
Example REPL session:
first-bot.core=> (use 'clojure.pprint 'clojure.core.async)
first-bot.core=> (def bot (start-bot! "TOKEN" :guild-messages)) ; guild-messages is a gateway intent, enables message event reception
first-bot.core=> (pprint (<!! (:events bot))) ; waiting for the next event
{:mention-everyone false,
:mentions []
:pinned false,
:content "Can you hear me?",
:attachments [],
:mention-roles [],
:type 0,
:guild-id "445994327152263179",
{:username "Johnny",
:public-flags 640,
:id "234343108773412864",
:discriminator "3826",
:avatar "a_cdc528b98208e58a43fcbc471a0b0ccc"},
{:roles ["607624294784040960"],
:premium-since nil,
:nick nil,
:mute false,
:joined-at "2018-05-15T17:02:13.810000+00:00",
:hoisted-role nil,
:deaf false},
:id "736626702788067378",
:channel-id "588374933277769728",
:embeds [],
:timestamp "2020-07-25T16:51:31.807000+00:00",
:flags 0,
:nonce "736626702230224896",
:tts false,
:edited-timestamp nil}]
first-bot.core=> (discord-rest/create-message! (:rest bot) "588374933277769728" :content "Hi from Clojure!")
#object[discljord.messaging.impl.DerefablePromiseChannel 2d74724a "discljord.messaging.impl.DerefablePromiseChannel@2d74724a"]
Copyright © 2020, 2023 JohnnyJayJay
This software and accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the MIT License, which is available at https://mit-license.org
For your convenience, the files in resources/
(which are copied to your project when applying this template) are additionally made available under the terms of the BSD Zero Clause License, which is available at