This repository serves as a recipe describing how to process DECam raw data and create calibrated exposures, coadds and image differences using Vera C. Rubin Science Pipelines.
Raw science data, master calibration and reference catalog
files are provided with the repository for ease of use.
The provided data has been modified, trimmed, in order to
reduce the data volume required. To see full details of
this procedure refer to the content section. Briefly,
it contains only the raw, calibration and reference
catalog data necessary to process the N4
detector of
DECam i
filter data taken on the night of 18.03.2021
for the DDDF survey.
The repository uses Git LFS to provide the data.
To run the processing execute
git clone
cd kbmod_imdiff_recipe
The processing will produce the calibrated exposures, calexp, good seeing coadds, and good seeing image differenced exposures of sufficient quality to test the KBMOD functionality.
The data was taken for the cosmos 1, 2, and 3 targets of the
DECam Deep Drilling Field (DDF) survey on the night of
18.03.2021 for DECam i
filter only. The provided science
data has been trimmed, i.e. modified to reduce the total
data volume required to store it. Trimming the dataset
involves setting all the image data to 0, except for the
detector of interest. The trimmed data zeroes out all the
images except for detector N4
, near the center of the
focal plane. The detector ID is 35 and its AstroPy HDUList
index is 37. To create the trimmed data, download the raw
data, and execute:
To identify and download the original untrimmed raw science data run:
scripts/ \
--download-science rawData/210318/science \
--filters i
To then trim and reproduce the data provided with the repository run:
cp -r rawData trimmedRawData
scripts/ trimmedRawData/210318/science N4 --verbose --overwrite
For convenience the scripts/
should preform the same action. The directories should
contain the following data:
i | md5sum | ifilter | proposal | caldat | archive_filename |
0 | 020c85f7e80ca26821aed1f6c0902127 | i DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0 | 2021A-0113 | 2021-03-18 | /net/archive/mtn/20210318/ct4m/2021A-0113/c4d_210319_024912_ori.fits.fz |
1 | 35330f682b64d4b6ccd8bc402b408888 | i DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0 | 2021A-0113 | 2021-03-18 | /net/archive/mtn/20210318/ct4m/2021A-0113/c4d_210319_024310_ori.fits.fz |
2 | e126aab419d1b5a7503b36d0b31d3e05 | i DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0 | 2021A-0113 | 2021-03-18 | /net/archive/mtn/20210318/ct4m/2021A-0113/c4d_210319_023704_ori.fits.fz |
3 | f8290547a6124d65a63f75897087af04 | i DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0 | 2021A-0113 | 2021-03-18 | /net/archive/mtn/20210318/ct4m/2021A-0113/c4d_210319_023059_ori.fits.fz |
4 | e33ae2af4f5f52d147dfd878dd958b2e | i DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0 | 2021A-0113 | 2021-03-18 | /net/archive/mtn/20210318/ct4m/2021A-0113/c4d_210319_022455_ori.fits.fz |
5 | fa80fd7530560622e450a30174d9a2b7 | i DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0 | 2021A-0113 | 2021-03-18 | /net/archive/mtn/20210318/ct4m/2021A-0113/c4d_210319_005134_ori.fits.fz |
6 | 56d81414ab12a448b8ac5fce2181b339 | i DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0 | 2021A-0113 | 2021-03-18 | /net/archive/mtn/20210318/ct4m/2021A-0113/c4d_210319_004532_ori.fits.fz |
7 | fea13cc71be5302de7e9f63e4109f26f | i DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0 | 2021A-0113 | 2021-03-18 | /net/archive/mtn/20210318/ct4m/2021A-0113/c4d_210319_003928_ori.fits.fz |
8 | c74f675c59185dfee2cd8fd661806e7f | i DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0 | 2021A-0113 | 2021-03-18 | /net/archive/mtn/20210318/ct4m/2021A-0113/c4d_210319_003322_ori.fits.fz |
9 | 202f4137d1f7571054e9f0539ff9bc3d | i DECam SDSS c0003 7835.0 1470.0 | 2021A-0113 | 2021-03-18 | /net/archive/mtn/20210318/ct4m/2021A-0113/c4d_210319_002721_ori.fits.fz |
The provided science exposures target three different pointings on the sky in the same night named cosmos 1, 2 and 3. The following table lays out which FITS files belong to which.
Filename | Target |
c4d_210319_003928_ori.fits.fz | cosmos_1 |
c4d_210319_024310_ori.fits.fz | cosmos_1 |
c4d_210319_022455_ori.fits.fz | cosmos_1 |
c4d_210319_024912_ori.fits.fz | cosmos_2 |
c4d_210319_023059_ori.fits.fz | cosmos_2 |
c4d_210319_004532_ori.fits.fz | cosmos_2 |
c4d_210319_002721_ori.fits.fz | cosmos_2 |
c4d_210319_023704_ori.fits.fz | cosmos_3 |
c4d_210319_005134_ori.fits.fz | cosmos_3 |
c4d_210319_003322_ori.fits.fz | cosmos_3 |
The script
Included are the reference catalogs, as formatted and sharded into HTM shards for use with the Vera C. Rubin Science Pipelines. Included are the Gaia DR2 and Processing Version 3 of the Pan-STARRS1 3pi survey catalog shards, used for astrometry and photometry respectively, relevant for processing the included science data only.
To find out more about how the survey catalogs are formatted
and sharded refer to the example of a trimmed Rubin refcat
found in the ci_hsc_gen3
repository here
and here.
To re-create the provided reference catalogs, access to full
catalogs, already formatted and sharded for use with Rubin
Science Pipelines, will be required. The scripts/
contains the functionality required to identify and copy the
appropriate catalog shards that overlap given exposures and
to trim down the catalog YAML file intended to be used with
the Rubin Data Butler to only contain those copied catalog
shards. This reduces the catalog size and the time required
to ingest it into a new Rubin Data Butler Data Repository.
To see the shard IDs, shard filenames and shard file locations of reference catalog shards that overlap a given set of exposures on your system invoke the script with the name of the catalog and the location of the catalog shard files:
scripts/ trimmedRawData/210318/science/ \
--refcat ps1_pv3_3pi_20170110 \
--refcat-path <path_to_lsst_refcats>/gen3/refcats/gen2/ps1_pv3_3pi_20170110/
Refer to scripts/
script to see how more
full usage of the script, including copying the shards and
trimming of the Gen 3 Rubin Data Butler exported data YAML
file. The file assumes paths appropriate for use with DiRAC
computing resources, namely mox.hyak
Following are the identified shard IDs and shard names as retrieved from the reference catalog made for Gen 2 Rubin Data Butler, and then exported for Gen 3 Rubin Data Butler use. Because the reference catalogs in question use the same HTM order the shard IDS for the catalogs are identical.
ID |
231812 |
231813 |
231815 |
231816 |
231818 |
231819 |
231820 |
231825 |
231826 |
231827 |
231828 |
231829 |
231830 |
231831 |
231832 |
231833 |
231834 |
231835 |
231836 |
231837 |
231838 |
231839 |
232344 |
232345 |
232347 |
231844 |
231845 |
231846 |
231847 |
231848 |
231849 |
231850 |
231851 |
231852 |
231853 |
231854 |
231855 |
231856 |
231857 |
231858 |
231859 |
231860 |
231861 |
231862 |
231863 |
231864 |
231865 |
231866 |
231867 |
231868 |
231869 |
231870 |
231871 |
231890 |
231896 |
231897 |
231899 |
231901 |
The certified master, flat and bias, calibration files are the crosstalk and ISR corrected flat and bias files combined into a master calibration product appropriate for calibration of the included science data.
To see how these were created refer to the kbmod_mastercals_recipe and the instructions therein.