Wee is a social networking site built with Django. Live preview at http://dipkakwani.pythonanywhere.com/newsfeed/ .
- Newsfeed
- Timeline
- Search
- Groups
- Post
- Likes, shares, comments
You need Python (2.7), Django (1.7.4), MySQL and MySQL-Python connector:
$ pip install mysql-python django
$ git clone https://github.com/dipkakwani/wee_app.git
Create a database named wee (any other name will also work) from MySQL. Update the database configuration in wee_app/src/wee/settings.py.
$ cd wee_app/src
$ python manage.py syncdb
$ python manage.py runserver
You can see the live demo at
Want to contribute? Great! You can pick one of the Todo task and send a pull request. In case you have a new idea, just raise an issue and start working on the idea and then send a pull request.
- Modify design of home page template
- Add AJAX for likes, comments and shares for a post
- Complete documentation
- Write Tests
- Add friend recommendation*
- Add real time notifications*
- Add messages*