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Welcome to the Anti-Debugging, Anti-Reverse Engineering, and Anti-Dumping Techniques repository. This project is designed to demonstrate and implement a variety of advanced security techniques aimed at preventing debugging, reverse engineering, memory dumping, and unauthorized process attachment. The ultimate goal is to reach the end of the program without being detected or caught by these security mechanisms.
Anti-Debugging Techniques:
Detection of debuggers using IsDebuggerPresent. Checking the PEB for the BeingDebugged flag. Using CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent. Modifying DbgBreakPoint. Hardware breakpoint detection. Timing checks with RDTSC and QueryPerformanceCounter. Exception handling techniques like CloseHandleException and SingleStepException.
Anti-Reverse Engineering Techniques:
Obfuscation of critical data. Anti-disassembly tricks. Self-modifying code. Detection of reverse engineering tools like IDA Pro and OllyDbg. Anti-Dumping Techniques: Destroying or obfuscating the PE header. Protecting memory regions. Using custom exception handlers to prevent memory dumps.
Anti-Attach Techniques:
Preventing debuggers from attaching to the process. Regular checks to ensure no unauthorized attachments.
To use the techniques demonstrated in this repository, compile the source code using a C++ compiler.
To educate and demonstrate various methods of protecting software from unauthorized analysis and manipulation. To provide a resource for developers looking to implement advanced security techniques in their own projects. To challenge security enthusiasts to bypass the implemented protections and reach the end of the program.
Thanks to HackOvert for the base of this repos, you can find the base here :
Contributions to improve or add new techniques are welcome. Please feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.