This is a very empty repository for testing and playing around with the detpic32.
This repository can be useful for solving AC2 guides, so I've decided to also put solved exercises here.
Simple counter from 0x00 to 0xFF.
- Seven segment displays and LEDs display the numbers
- Switches control the speed (from 2 seconds to 2/15 seconds)
- Button halts the counter and restarts it, if it's reached 0xFF
- Potentiometer controls the brightness of the seven segment displays
Basic functions for interfacing with the peripherals.
- delay - Waits for the specific milliseconds
- delayAsync - Same as before, but without halting the program
- initComponent - Initializes (or deactivates) the specific component
- cmdDisplay - Displays any number, from 0x00 to 0xFF
- cmdLED - Displays any number, from 0000 0000 to 1111 1111
- stateButton() - Check the state of the button (0 or 1)
- stateSwitch() - Check the state of the switches (from 0000 to 1111)