Releases: dimonaks/siman
Before AK commits
pypi rev2
Most importantly, now all modules are moved to siman package
be careful updating your code
new regime for calc_method in add_loop:
'Monte-Carlo' - Monter Carlo simulation above DFT
sshpass parameter in clusters now can take 'proxy' value. this allows to connect cluster with sshpass using proxy.
TODO: now proxy server and path to password is hardcoded in run_on_server(), push_to_server() and download()
new attibute added to calculation objects: self.cluster - dictionary with all parameters for cluster
read_poscar() moved from to as a separate function
new type 'void' with Z = 300 added to system. It is not written in POSCAR. Be carefull, bugs are expected,
since cl.add_potcar() and cl.calculate_nbands() are affected
bug related to the wrong reading of forces with selective dynamics was fixed ( was used from init, while in end the order of atoms can change)
now in the end structure is always created as new one. So, no i
but with incorrect writing of magmom in the case of atom reordering for poscar was fixed;
warning! if you provide magmom in set, than you should take care that the provided order is consistent with that in generated POSCAR
cl.fix_atoms() method added
bug fixed in
calc_oxidation_states() improved, use silent = 0 to show charges
get_surface_area() added to Structure()
get_dipole() added to Structure()
cl.get_bader_ACF() improved
creating_sets tutorial updated
'jmol' option of show in res() added
calculation name in output changed to db['name']
st.jmol() now uses vasp format
new property st.outfile - path to output file added
mcif argument added to write_xyz() enabling visualization of magnetic structures with jmol=1
cl.add_new_name() method added
cluster_tools/ new paths added for numpy support on cee cluster (local change for skoltech)
now modules are written for SLURM from, please add them as in example below:
CLUSTERS['cee']['modules'] = 'module add prun/1.0; module add intel/; module add impi/\n'
New tutorial for calc_barriers subroutine
bug chgcar
- Bug with copy chgcar on server was eliminated
Bader tutorial
- New tutorial for Bader charges
- Small bug fix for Bader calculations
stable master
From this point the master is stabilised.
dimonaks makes updates to simanaks branch
every month all branches are merged into master and new version is released
0.7 auto
v0.6 auto
supercell tutorial
v0.4 auto