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Developers test plan

dentoir edited this page Jun 14, 2016 · 1 revision

TCAT Test Plan



This is a test plan for TCAT.


This document describes how to test a TCAT installation to behave as expected by the authors and users. It exists as a procedures to be manually followed, but could be automated in the future.


This documentation describes testing and (detailed) verification of TCAT functionality. It does not describe unit testing yet. Unit testing is a more micro-approach where we verify PHP function input and output. We could also opt for a hybrid testing model, with some important unit tests combined with tests of functionality as it is described here.


The TCAT software is defined to have passed this test plan if it passes every test in it and every alternative test.

A test is defined to have failed if any of the expected items did not occur, otherwise it is defined to have passed. That is, all of the expected items must occur for the test to pass.


The tests in this test plan have been grouped into these sections:

  • Install tests
  • Capture tests
  • Analysis tests
  • Controlling capture tests
  • URL expansion tests
  • Rate limit tests
  • Geographic search tests

Install tests

Install track mode


  • Host machine where TCAT has not been installed.
  • A copy of the helpers/ script.
  • Configuration file with valid Twitter API credentials. It should only contain these parameters and no others:


  1. Run the TCAT install script in batch mode (-b), saving the TCAT logins to a file (-l) and using the configuration file:

    sudo ./ -b -l -c myTCAT.conf

    Note: this will configure TCAT with the default Tweet capture mode of "track phrases and keywords".

  2. Wait for the install script to finish running (a few minutes).

  3. Check the exit status by running echo $?

  4. Expect exit status to be zero (i.e. TCAT installed successfully).

Note: the following tests ("Cron configured", "Database created" and "Apache configured") are probably redundant, because other tests (e.g. "Create a query bin") will fail if these tests failed.

Cron configured


  • Install track mode


  1. Run ls -l /etc/cron.d/tcat.
  2. Expect file exists.
  3. Expect file owner and group to be both root.
  4. Expect file permissions to be "-rw-r--r--".
  5. Examine the contents by running cat /etc/cron.d/tcat.
  6. Expect /var/www/dmi-tcat/capture/stream/controller.php to be run very regularly (e.g. every minute).
  7. Expect /var/www/dmi-tcat/helpers/ to be run regularly (e.g. every hour), if TCAT was installed with URL expansion.

Database created


  • Install track mode


  1. Run sudo mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/conf.d/tcat-root.cnf (sudo is required because the config file is only readable by the mysql user)
  2. Expect the "mysql>" prompt to appear.
  3. Enter the command show databases;
  4. Expect a database called "twittercapture" to exist.
  5. Enter the command use twittercapture;
  6. Enter the command show tables;
  7. Expect there to be no tables in the database (i.e. "Empty set" to be printed out).
  8. Enter the command quit.

Note: the controller.php does not work at this stage, because there are no tables in the database.

Apache configured


  • Install track mode


  1. Run curl -v http://localhost/capture/.
  2. Expect HTTP status to be "401 Unauthorized".
  3. Run curl -v http://localhost/analysis/.
  4. Expect HTTP status to be "401 Unauthorized".

Alternatively, run these commands:

curl --silent --output /dev/null --write-out '%{http_code}\n' http://localhost/capture/
curl --silent --output /dev/null --write-out '%{http_code}\n' http://localhost/analysis/

Capture tests

In the following, replace localhost in the URLs with the hostname or IP address of the host machine. The correct URLs should have been printed out when the install script finished running.

Login as admin

  1. Visit http://localhost/capture/ in a Web browser.
  2. Expect to be prompted by the browser to login to DMI-TCAT.
  3. Enter "admin" and its password. The password is the one supplied to the installer or was generated and printed out at the end of the installation process (and can be found in /etc/apache2/tcat-login-admin.txt if the -l option was used with the installer).
  4. Expect the DMI-TCAT query manager page to appear.

Create a query bin


  • Login as admin
  • A query bin called "test1" has not been created.


  1. Expect the "New query bin" form is shown.

  2. Expect there is no query bin called "test1" listed in the table of query bins.

  3. Fill in the "New query bin" form:

    • Bin type: keyword track
    • Bin name: test1
    • Phrases to track: apple
    • Optional notes: (leave blank)
  4. Press the "add query bin" button.

  5. Expect a dialog box to appear, asking if you are sure you want to create the query bin.

  6. Press the "OK" button.

  7. Expect a dialog box to appear, saying the new query bin has been created.

  8. Press the "Close" button to close the dialog box.

  9. Expect the new query to be listed in the table of query bins.

    1. Expect the name to be "test1".
    2. Expect the "active" to be "1".
    3. Expect the "type" to be "track".
    4. Expect the "queries" to be "apple".
    5. Expect the "no. tweets" to be "0" for the new query bin.
    6. Expect the "Periods in which the query bin was active" to be the time the "add query bin" button was pressed till "now".
  10. Wait at least one minute (the interval of the controller.php cron job).

  11. Refresh the capture page.

  12. Expect the "no. tweets" to have increased to a non-zero value.

Query bin database tables created

  1. Run sudo mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/conf.d/tcat-root.cnf twittercapture (sudo is required because the config file is only readable by the mysql user)
  2. Expect the "mysql>" prompt to appear.
  3. Enter the command show tables;
  4. Expect 9 tables with names starting with "tcat_".
  5. Expect 7 tables with names starting with the query bin name followed by an underscore (i.e. "test1_").
  6. Enter the "quit" command.

Query bin log files

  1. Run ls -l /var/www/dmi-tcat/logs.
  2. Expect directory to contain a file called controller.log.
  3. Expect controller.log to have an owner and group of "tcat".
  4. Expect controller.log to be non-empty
  5. Expect directory to contain a file called track.error.log.
  6. Expect track.error.log to have an owner and group of "tcat".

TODO: Is it an issue that track.error.log is non-empty? As an error file, it should be empty unless something goes wrong, otherwise important error messages get lost in the noise. Is there supposed to be a (non-error) track log file?

Analysis tests

Select tweets


  • Query bin created
  • Already logged in as the "admin" or "tcat" user.


  1. Visit http://localhost/analysis/ in a Web browser.
  2. Expect the analysis page to appear.
  3. Expect the pop-up menu to contain the "test1" dataset.
  4. Expect the pop-up menu to indicate there a non-zero number of tweets.
  5. Change the start and end dates to include the tweet collection period. Leave all other fields blank.
  6. Press the "update overview" button.
  7. Expect a pie chart to appear showing tweets with links and those without links.
  8. Expect lines to appear on the time-based graph.

Graph resolution

  1. In the "graph resolution" select the "hours" radio button.
  2. Press the "update graph" button.
  3. Expect a more detailed graph to appear.
  4. In the "graph resolution" select the "minutes" radio button.
  5. Press the "update graph" button.
  6. Expect an even more detailed graph to appear.


  • If not logged in (as admin or tcat) the browser will not prompt for the user and password. Either "admin" or "tcat" user accounts can be used.

Export statistics


  • Select tweets


  1. In the "Export selected data" section, select the output format of "CSV (comma-separated)".
  2. In the "Tweet statistics and activity metrics" subsection, select the "overall" radio button.
  3. In the "Tweet stats" sub-subsection, click on the "launch" link.
  4. Expect a tweet stats page to appear.
  5. Download the file from the link on the page.
  6. Expect...


Repeat with all the combinations of:

  • Other sub-subsections (i.e. the other "launch" links).
  • Other statistics groupings.
  • Output format of "TSV (tab-separated)".

Export tweets


  • Select tweets


  1. In the "Export selected data" section, select the output format of "CSV (comma-separated)".
  2. In the "Tweet exports" subsection, select none of the additional column check boxes.
  3. In the "Random set of tweets from selection" sub-subsection, click on the "launch" link.
  4. Expect an export tweets page to appear.
  5. Download the file from the link on the page.
  6. Expect...


Repeat with all the combinations of:

  • Other sub-subsections (i.e. the other "launch"/"export" links).
  • Other additional columns selected.
  • Output format of "TSV (tab-separated)".





Controlling capture tests

Stop capture


  • Capture


  1. Visit http://localhost/capture/ in a Web browser.
  2. Click on the "stop" link for "test1".
  3. Expect a dialog box to appear, to confirm stopping the capture.
  4. Press the "yes" button.
  5. Expect a dialog box to appear, saying the query bin has been stopped.
  6. Press the "Close" button to close the dialog box.
  7. Expect the "stop" link has been replaced by a "start" link.
  8. Show the time when the controller.php was excuted by running ls -l /var/www/dmi-tcat/logs/controller.log
  9. Take note of the value of the "no. tweets" for "test1".
  10. Take note of the finish time for the "periods in which the query bin was active" for "test1".
  11. Wait at least one minute (the interval of the controller.php cron job).
  12. Refresh the capture page.
  13. Expect the "no. tweets" to not have changed.
  14. Expect the finish time to not have changed.
  15. Show the time when the controller.php was excuted by running ls -l /var/www/dmi-tcat/logs/controller.log
  16. Expect the time is newer than when previously checked. That is, the controller.php is still being executed, but it is only not running that particular query bin.


Create another query bin that is not stopped. It should be updated with new tweets while the stopped query bin is not.

Restarting capture


  • Stop capture
  1. Click on the "start" link for "test1".
  2. Expect a dialog box to appear, to confirm the start of capturing.
  3. Press the "yes" button.
  4. Expect a dialog box to appear, saying the query bin has been started.
  5. Press the "close" button.
  6. Expect the "start" link has been replaced by a "stop" link.
  7. Take note of the value of the "no. tweets" for "test1".
  8. Take note of the finish time for the "periods in which the query bin was active" for "test1".
  9. Wait at least one minute (the interval of the controller.php cron job).
  10. Refresh the capture page.
  11. Expect the "no. tweets" to have increased.
  12. Expect the finish time to have advanced.


Check the graph.

URL expansion tests


Rate limit tests


Geographic search tests


To do

  • Tests for other Tweet capture modes (i.e. following users and one percent capture).

From dentoir's draft from 7 April 2016:

  • execute the command line script capture/search/search.php with specially crafted parameters to search a unique, long hashkey, which should return a single, real tweet, with a known ID and known content (or alternatively, multiple IDs with known content)
  • curl the TCAT analysis URL with special parameters: do we get a correct overview, with the tweet(s) found?
  • curl the TCAT analysis URL with special search parameters: do we get a correct overview, with the tweet(s) found?
  • curl several or all of the TCAT analysis scripts with special parameters, downloading the .tsv or .csv files and comparing them to output we know is correct

Note: Currently url alone might not be sufficient, since tweet selection currently depends on JavaScript on the page. Will need a REST-ful API for curl to work.