Tools to assist with designing multiple RT-PCR primers for full-length isoform amplification.
Package is currently alpha-quality and requires a bit manual setup to run.
This package builds on primer3 and Primer3-py.
Untergasser, Andreas, et al. "Primer3—new capabilities and interfaces." Nucleic acids research 40.15 (2012): e115-e115. doi: 10.1093/nar/gks596
Licensed under GPL v2 to comply with the primer3 license.
CFLAGS=-std=c99 pip install git+
primer3-py needs -std=c99, at least on some systems.
available from
- bigBedNamedItems
- bigBedToBed
available from
- gfPcr
- gfServer (if not using an assembly in the UCSC browser)