Click here to visit: take-the-control
This Web App is an app based on kakeibo philosophy.
- Ruby '3.0.1'
- Rails 6.0.3
- Bundler 2.1.4
- Postgresql 10.10
- $ git clone
- $ cd finances
- $ rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
- $ bundle install
- if your system ask for Yarn, please type $ yarn install or just $ yarn
- After all, run $ rails s -b
- You can register an user and submit your receivables and payments;
- You can see all information about your finances, include total balance;
- All entries/exits are detailed by months;
- More features are builds, for further information and if you want help, access issues.
- Fork this project;
- Pull Request to branch "staging";
- Because anybody will do a review code and do a PR to main branch and production;
more about app informations: I used bootstrap by CND setting to make style.
Main gems
- Simple-form
- Devise
- Rspec-rails
- Factory_bot_rails
- FFaker