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@diegorv .dotfiles

macOS and developer environment preferences with Brew/Git/Rbenv/ZSH


To install it is very easy.

Copy this command into the terminal, and the setup will start.

cd ~/
git clone .dotfiles
cd .dotfiles && ./

Just follow the instructions! Easy peasy lemon squeezy 🤘

Setup process

  1. OS X Customization
  2. Brew installation
  3. Git configuration
  4. Shell configuration
  5. Ruby configuration

1. OS X Customization


  • Install the latest macOS software updates
  • Install the Xcode Command Line Tools (for compilers and Unix tools)
  • Agree to the Xcode license
  • Save screenshots in ~/Pictures/Screenshots folder
  • Check for software updates daily, not just once per week
  • Disable system-wide resume
  • Turn off keyboard illumination when computer is not used for 30 seconds
  • Make keyboard cursor faster
  • Disable auto-correct
  • Show the main window when launching Activity Monitor
  • Visualize CPU usage in the Activity Monitor Dock icon
  • Show all processes in Activity Monitor
  • Sort Activity Monitor results by CPU usage
  • Disable urls on Tweetbot
  • Don't automatically open when connecting iPhone/iTunes
  • Disable backups on iTunes
  • Prevent Time Machine from prompting to use new hard drives as backup volume
  • Disable automatic emoji substitution (i.e. use plain text smileys)
  • Only use UTF-8 in
  • Save screenshots in PNG format (other options: BMP, GIF, JPG, PDF, TIFF)
  • A lot of tweaks to Safari


  • Disable window animations and Get Info animations
  • Allow quitting Finder via ⌘ + Q; doing so will also hide desktop icons
  • Show status bar.
  • Show Path bar in Finder
  • Show sidebar on Finder
  • Use list view in all Finder windows by default
  • Group files by name
  • Enable spring loading for directories
  • Remove the spring loading delay for directories
  • Disable disk image verification
  • Automatically open a new Finder window when a volume is mounted
  • Avoid creation of .DS_Store files on network volumes
  • Show all filename extensions
  • Use current directory as default search scope in Finder
  • Set default Finder path
  • Show the ~/Library folder


  • Show indicator lights for open applications in the Dock
  • Set the icon size of Dock items to 48 pixels
  • Set Dock zoom size
  • Don’t show Dashboard as a Space
  • Don’t automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use
  • Remove the animation when hiding/showing the Dock


  • Disables Java in Safari
  • Enables the macOS screensaver password immediately
  • Enables the macOS application firewall
  • Adds a Found this computer? message to the login screen
  • Enables full-disk encryption and saves the FileVault Recovery Key to the Desktop
  • Empty Trash securely by default

2. Brew installation

  • Install Homebrew
  • Install Homebrew Versions
  • Install Homebrew Bundle
  • Install Homebrew Services
  • Install Homebrew Cask
  • Install apps from files/Brewfile

3. Git configuration

  • Install .gitignore
  • Install .gitconfig
  • Set user name and email to Git

4. Shell configuration

  • Make ZSH default shell
  • Install binaries to $HOME/local
  • Install .zshrc
  • Install .inputrc
  • Install iterm2_shell_integration
  • Install Oh-My-Zsh
  • Install my diegorv.zsh-theme zsh-theme

5. Ruby configuration

  • Install RBenv
  • Install .gemrc
  • Install .irbrc
  • Install .pryrc
  • Install Ruby 2.3.0 and 2.4.0
  • Make Ruby 2.3.0 default



@diegorv .dotfiles macOS and environment preferences 🤘








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