Digenome data analysis for both Cas9 and Integrase
Install mamba
conda install -c conda-forge mamba
- Get a local copy of the
git clone [email protected]:tomebio/tbDigIn.git
cd tbDigIn
- Create the
conda environment
mamba env create -f environment.yml
- Activate the
conda environment
mamba activate tbDigIn
- Install
(developer mode)
python setup.py develop
To run tests, execute:
bash ci/precommit.sh
This will run:
- Unit test for Python code and Snakemake plumbing (with
) - Linting of Python code (with
) - Code style checking of Python code (with
) - Type checking of Python code (with
) - Code style checking of Shell code (with
The Integrase reference may be used for both CRISPR and Integrase samples when both types of samples are to be jointly analyzed.
For CRISPR samples, the reference FASTA must be indexed with bwa
and samtools faidx
bwa index ref.fasta
samtools faidx ref.fasta
samtools dict ref.fasta > ref.dict
For Integrase samples, the GRCh38 (p14) genome is modified to append:
- The full length attB sequence
- The full length attP sequence
- The full length attB-containing plasmid sequence
The following requires seqkit
and the latest development version of fgbio (2.0.3 with git-hash da9ecbcc
or higher):
# Get the FASTA and assembly report. The latter is needed to deterministicall sort and name
# the contigs downloaded in the FASTA
wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCF/000/001/405/GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14/GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14_genomic.fna.gz
wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCF/000/001/405/GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14/GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14_assembly_report.txt
# Create a sequence dictionary (.dict) to sort and name the contigs
java -Xmx2g -jar ~/work/git/fgbio/target/scala-2.13/fgbio-2.0.3-da9ecbcc-SNAPSHOT.jar CollectAlternateContigNames \
-i GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14_assembly_report.txt \
-o GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14_assembly_report.dict \
-p UcscName \
-a SequenceName AssignedMolecule GenBankAccession RefSeqAccession \
-s AssembledMolecule UnlocalizedScaffold UnplacedScaffold AltScaffold \
# Update the contig names and sort the contigs in the FASTA
fgbio UpdateFastaContigNames \
-i GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14_genomic.fna \
-d GCF_000001405.40_GRCh38.p14_assembly_report.dict \
-o GRCh38.p14.fasta \
--sort-by-dict \
# Build the final fasta and index it
cat GRCh38.p14.fasta attB.fasta attP.fasta PL312.fasta | seqkit seq -w 60 - > GRCh38.p14.full.fasta
samtools faidx GRCh38.p14.full.fasta
samtools dict GRCh38.p14.full.fasta > GRCh38.p14.full.dict
bwa index GRCh38.p14.full.fasta
Execute the following command to run the pipeline
bash src/scripts/run_snakemake.sh \
-t /path/to/large/temp/directory \
-s src/snakemake/digenome_seq.smk \
-c /path/to/config.yml \
-o /path/to/output
An example config.yml
is shown below:
digenome_jar: /path/to/digenome.jar
- name: crispr
fq_dir: /path/to/directory/containing/fastqs
ref_fasta: /path/to/ref/ref.fasta
enzyme: AAVS1
pam_three_prime: NGG
overhang: 0
max_offset: 2
- AAVS1-RNP-rep1
- AAVS1-RNP-rep2
- name: bxb1
fq_dir: /path/to/directory/containing/fastqs
ref_fasta: /path/to/ref/ref.fasta
overhang: 2
max_offset: 5
min_forward_reads: 0
min_reverse_reads: 0
max_insert_size: 5000
- HEK12C-Bxb1-attP-rep1
- HEK12C-mock-rep1
The FASTQs for a given group are assumed to be in the given FASTQ directory, and named <sample-name>_R1_001.fastq.gz
and <sample-name>_R2_001.fastq.gz
See Reference Preparation for how to prepare the reference genome.
The config is organized at two levels: run and group level.
The run level contains configuration that applies to all groups and samples, for example the path to the digenomitas
The group level contains configuration that applies to related samples, for example the guide for specific CRISPR samples, or tool-specific parameters recommended for integrase samples.
Config Key | Description | Level | Required | Default |
digenome_jar |
The path to the digenomitas JAR | Run | Yes | NA |
fq_dir |
The directory containing FASTQs with suffixes _R<#>_001.fastq.gz |
Group | Yes | NA |
ref_fasta |
The path to the reference FASTA, with accompanying BWA index files and FASTA index | Group | Yes | NA |
name |
The name of the sample (FASTQs must be <name>_R<1 or 2>_001.fastq.gz |
Group | Yes | NA |
guide |
The guide (nucleotide) sequence | Group | No | None |
enzyme |
The name of the enzyme | Group | No | None |
pam_three_prime |
The --pam-three-prime to digenom.jar IdentifyCutSites |
Group | No | None |
overhang |
The --overhang to digenom.jar IdentifyCutSites |
Group | No | 0 |
max_offset |
The --max-offset to digenom.jar IdentifyCutSites |
Group | No | 2 |
min_forward_reads |
The --min-forward-reads to digenom.jar IdentifyCutSites |
Group | No | 4 |
min_reverse_reads |
The --min-reverse-reads to digenom.jar IdentifyCutSites |
Group | No | 4 |
max_insert_size |
The --max-insert-size to digenom.jar IdentifyCutSites |
Group | No | 1 |
clipped_start_sequences |
Allow reads where the 5' clipped bases (in sequencing order) start with one of the given sequences | Group | No | None |
For CRISPR samples, the guide
, enzyme
, and pam_three_prime
should be specified, whereas for Integrase samples these should be left unspecified (omitted).
The overhang
and max_offset
should be 0
and 2
respectively for the CRISPR samples, and 2
and 5
respectively for the Integrase samples.
Additionally, the following options should be specified for the Integrase samples:
should be specified as:
(leading sequence of attR until the overhang)CCCGGGATCCCCGGATGATCCTGACGACGGAG
(reverse complement of attR until the overhang)CACCACGCGTGGCCGGCTTGTCGACGACGGCG
(leading sequence of attL until the overhang)GACCGGTAGCTGGGTTTGTACCGTACACCACTGAG
(reverse complement of attL until the overhang)
set to zero, so that we do not need support from both strands (a minimum total depth will still be enforced).max_insert_size
set to5000
. This does not filter reads that map beyond the default (1200
) due to longer than expected mappings in the plasmid sequence.