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Kits Setup

GoodestEnglish edited this page Sep 22, 2022 · 5 revisions

Create a kit

Thanks to our Kit Management Menu, creating kits are now just a few clicks!

IMPORTANT: Please use command '/kit save {KIT NAME}' or '/kit saveall' to save the kit after you finish to edit your kit.

First of all, well, you need a kit, obviously. You can create a kit by using command '/kit create {KIT NAME}'. If success, it will display:


Now you created a kit. Let's move on to edit the kit you just created.

Edit a kit

Unlike other practice plugin, we made all our kit rules separate from gamemodes, which means if you want to create a bedfight kit. You will have to toggle "Receive Kit Loadout Book", "Bed", "Health Regeneration", "Show Health", "Build", "Start Freeze", "No Fall Damage", and set "Respawn time" to 3. Although it seems it is more complex and complicated. By doing this server owners allow to make unlimited possibilities on creating their favorite kits.

You can open the kit edit menu with command '/kit edit {KIT NAME}'. This command will open menu like this:


It looks complex right? Don't worry, I will explain them one by one 😊


  • Edit Match Type - Here you can edit the allowed match types for the kit. But be careful! Some rules applies into this. For example, if your kit requires to break bed/enter a portal to score, you are not allowed to use it in FFA.
  • Kit Preview - You can preview your kit layout by left click the icon, or get the kit layout by right click the icon.
  • Status - This will toggle your kit status. If your kit status is Enabled, player will allow to use the kit to play any matches.
  • Edit Kit Display Name - Edit the kit display name. Unlike kit ID, display name supports color codes. So you can do something like &b&lBow.
  • Edit Kit Description - Edit the kit description. This also supports color codes. If you wish to separate the lines, use ; between the lines.
  • Edit Kit Icon - Edit the kit icon. When you try to edit the icon, the format should be {material};{durability}. For example, if I want to edit my "bow" kit's icon to a bow, the format will be "BOW;0". All materials can be found here.
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